New Car - Choice of 3

Im going to be using the car yes, So is my mum, so is my dad, the car wont be used much, but from the time that it is used, i will be using it often. Or if he isnt up to driving and needs to be driven about.

TBH we will be paying £8,500 to have the car for three years, then GIVE IT BACK. Hardly robbing from your pockets. And £45 per week isnt a lot , when youve been in hospital for 2 months, close to death on 3 seperate incidents during that time, in intensive care for 2 weeks, lost 80% of your leg, lost 75% of ability to move your right shoulder - something that his job relies upon.
mr tommo said:
Your blood boil? But, why?

Becuase why should the taxpayer fund a brand new Cabrio?

I appreciate the fact that mobility is important. But you don't need a Convertible car or a Sport model Astra!
No fox, That true, although you pay for it. If i want a BMW 1 series - it requies a £6000 Payment.

As has been said above, the guy who had the hyundai coupe, could have had the corsa with NIL advance payment, but he didnt, he paid £2000 ish to have the Coupe, hardly works out as a better deal.
Come on Fox, it's measured on the value of the car. What does it matter what car the guy chooses? Surely the buyer can choose any car they wish in the price bracket available?
From what i understand its a fixed amount, just over 7k for 3 years this is payment by the gov, the OP is going to add the rest of the money to buy the car he wants instead of getting a Matiz or something.

Fair play in that respect i suppose but if you have got 15k to spend in total your stupid if you get into a scheme that makes you hand the car back after 3 years, thats 15k down the pan some vaux dealer is going to be laughing all the way to the bank, you can buy from me if you want.
Guys this isn't the time and place to rant about Disability allowance he wants advice on which car, this is a Motors forum. Whether he get's a cabrio or not he's still getting the money he's entitled to. Not all of them are fiddling.

I recon you should go for the Astra.
No stupid, who mentioned 15k? The £7k is what my dad would recive anyway for his disability....... but rather than it coming to him, it goes straight towards the car .
mr tommo said:
could have had the corsa with NIL advance payment, but he didnt, he paid £2000 ish to have the Coupe, hardly works out as a better deal.

You don't think paying £2000 for a brand new Hyundai Coupe is a good deal?

Personally I think the fact that taxpayers should subsidise the cost of a brand new Astra SXi Sporthatch so a perfectly able bodied 18 year old can whizz around in it 80% of the time is utterly apalling.

Why not buy your own car with your own money like the rest of us.

I have NO problem with heavily disabled people being provided with a subsidised Corsa or similar to give them that mobility they need. But thats it. You want a flashy Cabrio, go buy one with all your own money. You want your Son to whizz around in it, go buy him his own car.
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OllyM said:
I guess because of the fact that you're planning on using the car for 80% of the time, and you're not disabled?

Id like to focus on this point.

Right, Id like to point out first for those that dont know, I am disabled and suffer with cerebal palsy. It genuinly affects my walking and when i first passed my test, i decieded motability was the way to go.

When i was looking around for a car, there wasnt much choice (this was about 4-5 years ago now). I think generally the most you could go up to was a 1.6 focus or astra for example, but they did cost quite a lot. In the end i settled for a 1 litre Hyundai Amica. I look back now and relise what a truely awfull car it was, but at the time, i had a new reliable car that got me from A to B fairly economically (i only did town driving really so speed not an issue), and at the time, the reliability and the need to get from A to B was far greater than worrying about what size engine i wanted or even what manafacturer to have. This imo is what motability is about. Getting a disabled person mobile, reliably and safely.

This whole "uncle is disabled, can get a car on motability but i'll use it 80% of the time" is plainly taking the ****. My dads sister used to have a car on motability (shes like 40 stone, cant even get out of the house etc, you get the picture), she had a fiesta, yet her daughter used to use it for her hairdressing business :mad:
That is not the point to motability and is purely taking the pee, at the end of the day, its fraud.

Also Mr Tommo, why are you worried about insurance groups on motability, they pay your insurance also. You just pay a monthly fee for the car and insurance, so groupings should be irrelevant.

Ive also got another friend who has a new Focus 1.6 Zetec on motability, and again, it gets him from A to B in the comfort he needs. The engine is more than powerfull enough for a new driver, and once again, its as reliable as a wood burning stove.

I really do think they offer too many choices of cars on Motability now.

I TOTALLY agree with fox when he says "who needs a cabrio or a 1.8 Sports Astra" this isnt the point of motability, but even worse than that, is your taking the pee out the system.

Shame the minority spoil it for the majority. Sorry for the rant, but its something i feel strongly about - as for the most part, your uncle obviously doesnt need the car that much, and it could go to someone who needs it a LOT more than you do.

noob said:
Guys this isn't the time and place to rant about Disability allowance he wants advice on which car, this is a Motors forum. Whether he get's a cabrio or not he's still getting the money he's entitled to.

from what i understand, his UNCLE is, not him.
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[TW]Fox said:
You don't think paying £2000 for a brand new Hyundai Coupe is a good deal?

Personally I think the fact that taxpayers should subsidise the cost of a brand new Astra SXi Sporthatch so a perfectly able bodied 18 year old can whizz around in it 80% of the time is utterly apalling.

Why not buy your own car with your own money like the rest of us.

:rolleyes: errrr..... i have.
Perhaps the 80% of the time is only small if the car gets 10 miles on it a week?

As he could be running his uncle arround doing errands etc.

Or are we taking say 80% of 20,000 in a year.

If not then you should be given a 998cc corsa, as the boot might be about the same size as the Megane by the time the roof has dissapeared into it.
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mr tommo said:
No stupid, who mentioned 15k? The £7k is what my dad would recive anyway for his disability....... but rather than it coming to him, it goes straight towards the car .

What i mean fella is as you stated before your adding 8k towards it to fund the car, if you took the money directly from the gov you would get 45 / week or £8400+ if you stuck this money in the bank and didn't put it towards a car you would have £8400 to show for it, so spending it on a car + the 8k or whatever means after the 3 years you have no car and 15k down the drain.
POB said:
Perhaps the 80% of the time is only small if the car gets 10 miles on it a week?

Or are we taking say 80% of 20,000 in a year.

That's obviously the excuse he'll now fall back on if the flak gets too heavy, but I think it's pretty obvious that he's going to be spending most of his time driving around in a smart, brand new Astra Sport Hatch or similar, paid for mostly by the taxpayer, simply becuase his father is disabled.

The scheme needs tightening up - there should, for example, be no provision for insured drivers under the age of say 25 should they be able bodied and not a registered carer for the disabled person entitled to the car.
James N, A hyundai Getz would do the job just fine, but if someone said to you, pay 2000 and get a Golf, would you say no? The car is there as a backup, ive got my own car, mum's got her own car, dads got his own car. Only trouble is, dad is resticted to auto's meaning that if his car is being used, which it sometimes is as its used as a company car, how does he get about, we have already had to go outand lose £5000 to cancel the contract on his car he had up until his accident, then had to go out and buy another automatic so that he could be mobile.
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