New Car - Choice of 3

James_N said:
its funny watching the OP wind himself in circles :D

I think you'll find that i like i have said i will be using it more than my dad. That was stated in the opening post, and now again in my final post of the evening :)
mr tommo said:
i will be using it more often thn my dad.

So there ya go. Thats fraud. That one line there.

The fact is, the car isnt there for you to use, its for your dads use only (or supposed to be). At the end of the day (im assuming) since he has a company car already, that he has a Full UK Driving Liciense, and therefore doesnt need anyone to ferry him about in his motability car, so therefore, i see no reason for you to need to use it at all, should he get one, i especially see no reason for you to need it, as you have already stated yourself, that you have your own car.
:cool: Yes i have my own car, but if i feel like going out at the weekend for a drive to wales for example, and the option was there for you, would you :

A - take your own and think about the tax payers
B - Think, what the hell, i'll take the new car.
mr tommo said:
Im off out now, Keep posting Guys, i will reply when i get back later on tonight. Oooh daddy's just given me £45 to go out with, from his own account though dont worry, his allowance wont go into his account till next week :)

If he's well off enough to dole notes out to you on demand, he shouldn't be getting a penny.

Stupid cradle to grave welfare state.
This is blatant abuse of the Motability scheme.

If he's got a car already, why should the Government basically buy him a second one to sit around doing nothing, that most of the time, you will be driving?
[TW]Fox said:
If Daddy is loaded, which you keep trying to imply he is, why does he claim benefit at all if he doesn't need it?

Which ive not once implyed he is at all, rather that he, has worked since he was 16, making a living.

The £45 comment was to emphasise my point that , whether the £45 comes from the government opr my dads pocket, its still his and is entitled to do whatever he wants with it.
mr tommo said:
The £45 comment was to emphasise my point that , whether the £45 comes from the government opr my dads pocket, its still his and is entitled to do whatever he wants with it.

That's the kind of thing I'd expect from someone who spends all their dole money on beer and fags. You're no better than the cheap tart with her legs open 24/7 as a baby factory on a scummy council estate.

Why, how and on what benefits money is spent and used should be much more tightly controlled.
mr tommo said:
:cool: Yes i have my own car, but if i feel like going out at the weekend for a drive to wales for example, and the option was there for you, would you :

A - take your own and think about the tax payers
B - Think, what the hell, i'll take the new car.

I certainly wouldnt abuse the motability system. And yes i would take my own car, because its well suited to blasts around the welsh countryside :)

While i had my car, i used it to get to and from college, to earn an education. After the 3 years, i gave it back, and im now very proud to say i work dam hard to be able to afford nice cars.

Just so as you know, after the 3 years, we worked out what i had paid in total over the 3 years for the car, and it works out i could have got it cheaper if i would have gone the finance route anyway. Also you get zero NCB from motability insurance - just for reference.
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mr tommo said:
:cool: Yes i have my own car, but if i feel like going out at the weekend for a drive to wales for example, and the option was there for you, would you :

A - take your own and think about the tax payers
B - Think, what the hell, i'll take the new car.

You shouldn't have the option is what everyone is getting at !!! :rolleyes:
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