I have been playing around with my H100i and now have it fitted running with my 4 Arctic PWM fans connected via a PWM splitter to the mainboard. Having it set up like this has made a huge difference to my temps. My max temp whilst running IBT on very high is now 62.c which is nearly 10.c cooler than the H100i with the stock fans.
It seems the cooler has a lot better cooling potential than the H100 but is supplied with crap fans or the onboard fan controller is no good. I still cannot get the link software to install. I have an unknown device in device manager and cannot get it to take the drivers no matter what. I have read there may be issues on Win 8 so it could be that.
H100i running with 4 x Arctic PWM fans connected to the CPU header using a PWM splitter.
It seems the cooler has a lot better cooling potential than the H100 but is supplied with crap fans or the onboard fan controller is no good. I still cannot get the link software to install. I have an unknown device in device manager and cannot get it to take the drivers no matter what. I have read there may be issues on Win 8 so it could be that.
H100i running with 4 x Arctic PWM fans connected to the CPU header using a PWM splitter.
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