New crysis vid

11 Jan 2005
New crysis vids (update)

all I can say is WOW!

If its reposted slap my hands. But still, everyone has to see this.

14mins long, showing 2 levels with commentary!

I mean, wow. The water, the detail, the effects, the physics, the sheer scale of it all. Just wow :|

EDIT: Hd videos: go and first vid on main page, named Art Director Michael Khaimzon Shows off Crysis (114MB)
is the 14min downloadable.
Awesome presenter too, haha.
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That is going to rape my computer. The frame rate did not look very good but maybe thats the video frame rate and not actualy the game. Anyone know what specs they was running the game on?
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Im amazed how they manage to run it.. when you consider what weve had.. you could have one plume of volumetric particles.. but that ship sequence... theres millions.. it looks LUSH!
*gathers tongue back in*

The fact that it plays that smooth on hardware available now gives me great hope :)
Reppyboyo said:
That engine screams for a remake of Vietcong.

I loved that game! It was really good, i only had the demo and people were always hacking it, but it gave me hours of fun! :D

I'm going to buy it now while i remember. :cool:

Anyway, going back on topic. Yes it does look really good, but won't people who play the game online just turn all the plants, smoke and things off anyway?!? Or am i being cynical? :p
I'm actually glad it's not technically a farcry sequel. For some reason I feel farcry is a game that does not need a sequel. Although I think there are talks of a farcry sequel since ubisoft own the rights, but this will be better since it's the from the makers of farcry.
the graphics are amazing truly something new, but its the gameplay that really makes me interested because its totaly open ended and if the AI is even as good as farcry then its going to be the best game ever.
To be fair, I WILL buy this game. Even if the story sucks the amount of fun that can be had with the AI and physics, that's done it for me. One huge playground.

I picked up farcry for cheap just for the graphics. First few levels were ok but not my thing, 'spose this might be the same...but hell, who cares when it looks that good :|
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