New crysis vid

Holy.. WTF. That looks AMAZING. is all i can say. wow. I'm thinking online play will also be really good, imagine stalking an enemy on a night level in the jungle or something, one team has to rescue a hostage or something etc etc Its gonna be amazing!! Ok i need to go away and calm down lol
I'm hoping the multiplayer for this is better than Far Cry's. I hated FC's multiplayer, maps were too big and there were only a few people running about. Hopefully this will have loads of people playing tearing down trees everywhere :D
OMG - that looks amazing!!!
I have seen the other vids but seeing so much real-time gameplay makes it look so much more amazing :D
Does anyone know what resolution the game was running at @ E3 ?
As hearing that they were running on 1900xtx Xfire'd, makes me hope it wasnt @ 1024 or some lame low res like that.

Lemme at those trees with a gatling gun :D
TLJester1 said:
OMG - that looks amazing!!!
I have seen the other vids but seeing so much real-time gameplay makes it look so much more amazing :D
Does anyone know what resolution the game was running at @ E3 ?
As hearing that they were running on 1900xtx Xfire'd, makes me hope it wasnt @ 1024 or some lame low res like that.

Lemme at those trees with a gatling gun :D

If I can manage 1280x1024 smooth then ill be as happy as a pig in ****,, that looks almost photo realistic,

Almost? :P
Why ruin these videos by putting them on the low bit-rate Google Crapdio whereI have to resize my browser to see it without pixellation :( :(
well, thats running on dx9. apparently o.o?

And there is a link to download the video. I'll find it and post later :)
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