Ok, I created a new Calendar, but I can't see that on either phone...
Opera seems to have the best zoom/text reflow on Android. I also use Dolphin which works quite well when the double tap zoom is set but if you zoom in more the text reflow does not seem to work?
Can anyone recommend a good Podcast Player. Not bothered if I have to pay. I have been using Beyond Pod Premium. Really not liking the Interface on it at all.
Can anyone recommend a good Podcast Player. Not bothered if I have to pay. I have been using Beyond Pod Premium. Really not liking the Interface on it at all.
WhatsApp web client is out, only for Chrome at the moment: https://web.whatsapp.com/
You need to go to menu -> WhatsApp web to open the QR scanner. If the option is not there then force close WhatsApp and reopen, then it should appear.
WhatsApp web client is out, only for Chrome at the moment: https://web.whatsapp.com/
You need to go to menu -> WhatsApp web to open the QR scanner. If the option is not there then force close WhatsApp and reopen, then it should appear.
People who are using 3rd party WhatsApp clients are getting banned: http://www.androidpolice.com/2015/0...ers-until-they-switch-to-the-official-client/
Seems WhatsApp+ is not alone in this, I've been using WhatsAppMD and the same is happening as well. Went back to the official client for now but it looks so boring...
EDIT: RIP WhatsApp Plus: https://plus.google.com/+MounibAlRifai/posts/99mmV7RA7ne
can highly recommend Pocket Casts