New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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We either need the signatures enabled in mobile mode or custom avatars.. it's so difficult reading usernames rather than memorising signatures. Especially since everyone is forced to a set of avatars.
Has anyone here lost total MM access? I can't see any of the Members Market forums at all.

Edit: I need to pay attention:

In order to protect our member base we have taken the decision to close the MM during this period of change. This is not a permanent closure and it will re-open as and when the changes have been applied.

Bit of a shock, massive lurker here but for some reason I was shoved out of all my devices and forced to login, but couldn't had to do a password reset!

Also took forever finding the football forum, seems you need to be logged in to see it?

Looks brilliant though on a iPad, nice and fresh.
Now I've seen this, I can see why the buttons (edit, report, etc) on the bottom left aren't quickly being moved to the right - it makes more sense from a moderator's point of view and it seems easier.

For us mere users, what about moving the report button direction under the user information (just like it was on Ye Olde forum) and moving only edit button to the right hand side? That way moderators would still have their most useful buttons to the left still.
Will we be able to turn off the Avatar but still leave the sig?

Same! I preferred not having an Avatar, or do you mean display options? I wish to be able to choose to not have my own avatar (well the Mafia ones) but have the option to view others without having the sig shown. I think it was a split option before (or you could just turn the sig off without turning off avatars).
1) Blue background on reply box needs to change.
2) Find it hard to read the top level topic headings (e.g. 'Graphics cards'), from the text below it. Noting to focus on really, font needs to be different colour or maybe just bigger.
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