New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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I know this isnt strictly related to the replatforming, but what is with all the necro'ing of threads? Its not just new members either.
Is it because the views/searches have changed and people are thinking "Hey, new thread"?
Looks like most of the graphics niggles have been sorted now. I don't have eye strain any more. I'd really like to see the login box made more easily visibile. Why have a members button next to the forum button that doesn't contain a login/logout. It seems the most appropriate location vs half hovering it over an advert than gains accidential clicks. Thats just cheap.
The colours are hideous. Very difficult to naviagate at the forum home page between one category and the next - especially on the iPhone.

There needs to be some contrast between posts and quote. Just seems like someone has updated this in its alpha stage rather than beta testing it and making sure it works and more importantly is functional.

In my 10 years on these forums this is the worst change to date!
Crikey people are so ungrateful and entitled... This is clearly a difficult task to manage and has a lot of hard work behind it - personally I prefer the approach of putting it out there and then tweaking it live; to me it says that all of our views are cared about, and once this process is over we'll end up with something decent and hopefully with features that please everyone (as far as possible)... Criticise and make suggestions by all means but these posts just saying "this is rubbish, it looks awful" are pointless
Anyone else noticed this?

If you click refresh the "New Post" tab, then spot a thread that you've not read. If you click on the title link, you get jumped to the first unread post not the first post of the thread. Clicking on the adjacent envelope icon jumps you to "first unread meaasge" OK. Is this a bug, or am I missing a trick?
This has probably been mentioned before but not reading 123 pages to check.

This bugs me - it is too busy - you have headings then headings again in column - why not get rid of column headings and just put numbers in like it was before I think.

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