New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Lots of fantastic fixes already. Good job guys!

Is there going to be other official colour schemes? I was sure I read a Don stating there was going to be? Obviously they wouldn't be until everything else is sorted, but are they still on the cards?? Only reason I ask is because I am naughty and frequent here while at work and can't install things like Stylish etc. Was looking forward to being a bit more stealthy hehe ;)
Lots of fantastic fixes already. Good job guys!

Is there going to be other official colour schemes? I was sure I read a Don stating there was going to be? Obviously they wouldn't be until everything else is sorted, but are they still on the cards?? Only reason I ask is because I am naughty and frequent here while at work and can't install things like Stylish etc ;)

I think considering the popularity of the dark stylish mod, and that the colour scheme is basically already defined and won't need tweaking, we could build a style around it - I'm sure we could find a suitable location for accreditation :)

The blue will always be the 'classic' style though!
On mobile chrome, it's seems to be random whether the write your reply area with font options etc appears or not. I sometimes just have the background color and the post button and more options.

Also, I've made 4 edits to this post and now have the date above the post 4 times on individual lines.
It always shows you the first unread message. In this thread since you've read the start it'll take you to some place in the middle of it. For new threads since you haven't viewed any of it it'll take you to the first post as that is the first unread message. It is an excellent feature imo and makes using the forum so much better.
There was a button for that in vBB.. I don't see why it wasn't kept as a button for XF. Now having to click, load, then click again to go to first post is a PITA and a loss of functionality. The button was right next to the thread title in vBB, too.
Can we set up a high level alert system, for when Scorza actually responds to a directly relevant if challenging question? Instead of the traditional, wait out/post trival alt fact response.
There was a button for that in vBB.. I don't see why it wasn't kept as a button for XF. Now having to click, load, then click again to go to first post is a PITA and a loss of functionality. The button was right next to the thread title in vBB, too.
Not sure if this helps.

On a thread where you have unread posts.
Clicking the yellow envelope icon goes to the first unread post (the first one with a 'New' tag in the top right).
Clicking the thread title does the same.
Clicking the time/date under the username on the right hand side goes to the very last post in the thread.

On a thread where you have no unread posts.
Clicking the grey envelope icon goes to the first post in the thread.
Clicking the thread title does the same.
Clicking the time/date under the username on the right hand side goes to the very last post in the thread.

No, sorry it probably doesn't help, jeNK but at it least it helps me get my own head around what does what!

/edit - Yes, I agree with you, it would be a handy button to have.
Can we change the highlight colour when selecting text such as when editing your post etc. I can hardly see it on my iPad as its so similar to the background colour unless you have the brightness turned up to "retina-inferno". Same situation on MacBook too.
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