New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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I like having a standard set of avatars, it keeps it consistent. I don't like using them, but it's better than other forums where everyone has a multitude of different coloured types or even worse... a gif.
Makes it look all messy, plus the sig limits are another nice addition to that.

Exactly my opinion and stance on the matter :)
I would like the Forums to be highlighted on the New Posts page please -

AFAIK none.

It's not that we have anything against custom avatars except they tend to look messy and someone always ends up with something like a vaguely nsfw one, or

I can't really say as I'm fussed too much about it, just thought I'd ask. But the forum is littered with random sigs, txt, images and combination of both and they are allowed and vetted? Even if you can't import your own, a greater variety/choice would be nice.
It doesn't really bother me having avatars or sigs, I have both turned off and although it might seem a little boring it looks really clean. Scottlands new material style dark theme is fantastic.
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