New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Could the OCUK icons on the left hand side of the individual forums change to reflect if there are new posts in that forum since your last visit? So you could have something like the all white design that you have now and the one with the red colourings for when there is a new post in that forum?
Could the OCUK icons on the left hand side of the individual forums change to reflect if there are new posts in that forum since your last visit? So you could have something like the all white design that you have now and the one with the red colourings for when there is a new post in that forum?
Item #24 in the list on the very first post in this thread.
Item #24 in the list on the very first post in this thread.

My apologies for missing that, should also add that the feature seems broken at the moment too as I see the white logo for forums that last had a post added 9 hours ago and I have visited several times since then
Oh and I found a bug or feature (?) with the ignore members list feature...

It hides said threads that people on the ignore list have posted in from the sub forum completely i.e. the vega thread doesn't show at all for me since I have the likes of flopper, drunkenmaster, D.P. etc. on my ignore list.

However, at the bottom of the sub forum, there is a "show ignored content" button, which then shows the vega thread.


Ok, just realised, it hides said thread if the thread is created by someone on the ignore list.
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Am liking the new forum on mobile so far. Seems to be much more small screen friendly. Prior to this I used to have problems with some posts not scaling correctly.
Using the forum when I'm out and about is a much better experience.
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