New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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I get that on the 'new posts' view on my phone. Android 4.0.2 (yes, 4.0.2) with stock HTC browser. It wasn't doing it previously.

I also get it in Chrome on my home PC and my work PC. Haven't tried other browsers yet. May be user specific? Happens with and without a theme.

e; Same in IE11.

Watched threads and other forum views are fine, but new posts has no padding.
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On the subject of padding, the text of posts could do with some padding on the left. Possibly a bit more above as well.
Good improvements trickling through. I also agree with this. Currently .message .messageContent has 5px padding, it should be more like 15 on desktops. Then the quotes need their margins adjusting so that the sit flush on the left and push the main message down. Oh and please remove the white border on the gangster level.
The light blue part of the post doesn't meet the border-line on the right hand side either. :)

Black borders could do with being thinner or a dark grey instead maybe? If not I'm sure I can deal with it. :p
There's something weird going on with the formatting of my signature. It's comprised of multiple images placed together and some of the images are also hyperlinks so, for example, the email plate acts as a button with a mailto attached to it.

I seem to have developed some superfluous white space between the top row of images with the button in and the rest of the signature and I'm pretty sure it ties into the hyperlinks in some way although I can't see what exactly is wrong. When I look at my signature in the Firefox inspector the hyperlink elements look to have a boundary that would be in the correct place but the image is offset too high. Unfortunately I'm not enough of a CSS god to quite see what is happening or why.
I just searched for some items in MM, but in the results it wouldn't show which threads were closed. There is also no timestamp on the threads/posts.

Also, in terms of design, a couple of points:
1) The quote colour is the same colour as the bg which is spoils the flow.
2) It might also be good to help define posts by adding a line between them.
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