New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Not sure if mentioned (can't see it in bugs list on 1st post)

Is there going to be a proper BBCode editor?

At the moment it's a text box with strange looking yellow/white gradient
Sorry to say guys but I'm still really not gelling with the new layout :(

Finding it quite hard to browse/read to the same degree as the old one. Maybe more time is needed but I'm definitely browsing less.
Perhaps limit the width of post and reply boxes as it's a bit annoying just reading a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong line of text on a widescreen monitor.

Background colour differences would help too - take a look at how this similar looking computer forum implements them:

Oh that looks so much better, I'd forgotten. Take it away :(

All the logical and useful boxes, clear and simple...
I am amazed how similar they have made the new forum to the old when you consider the original was some archaic software from the Jurrassic era and the new is a different platform as well.

I have seen other forums fall to pieces when changing community software, it is no easy task.

I expect the "import" alone would have had some issues.

Are OcUK managing the switchover themselves or have they farmed it out?
I am amazed how similar they have made the new forum to the old when you consider the original was some archaic software from the Jurrassic era and the new is a different platform as well.

I have seen other forums fall to pieces when changing community software, it is no easy task.

I expect the "import" alone would have had some issues.

Are OcUK managing the switchover themselves or have they farmed it out?

Sshh no positive comments here please, I just want to hear how this has ruined your life and left you blind :p

p.s. OcUK did it themselves
I think it's much better now than it was a week or so ago, it could still be tweaked more but for the state it's in at the moment the only major thing I'd do is to ditch the gash banners under the username. The rest is fine, and it's so much better on mobile than it was.
I noticed something that isn't on the OP's list in post 1. Would it be possible to alphabetise the members online list like it was on the old forum. It makes it so much easier to find a person who is online. Currently I have to scan every name to find out if a member I am looking for is online. Below shows the current un-alphabetised list. Thanks.

anyone else think the placement of the report and edit button looks odd?
maybe move report button to the avatar pane and edit over to the over buttons.
also as the sigs are never wide, perhaps move the trust/multi/quote up so the sig and buttons are all flush to the bottom of the post, saving some screen space.
New forum is supposed to make things easier :p.

I'm not sure easier was a huge consideration, not being a 15 year old unsupported code base was pretty high up the list though :p Vbulletin 3 was and is a great platform, but it was made for a different age with vastly different web standards and browsing habits (it's older than the iPhone!). Some very big forums still use it (digitalspy for example) and it hasn't, afaik, any security issues, but bringing it into the modern era would be too big a job for us, so we've chosen a new platform and that is xenforo.

We don't expect it to do everything the same as vbulletin 3, we've tried to make it similar in form and function - but it is different. It's a supported platform with an upgrade path though, so it's something we will be investing more time and effort into customising in the future.
Perhaps limit the width of post and reply boxes as it's a bit annoying just reading a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong line of text on a widescreen monitor.

Background colour differences would help too - take a look at how this similar looking computer forum implements them:


As much as I don't want to admit it, that did make me chuckle
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