New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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from a quick browse -;

what the hell is happening with the text box?
why can't I collapse forums - such an obvious feature
those shadows under avatars - 2002 hello!

this feels like ocuk website all over again :D

I find that this is far from user friendly and everything just seems awkwardly placed. And its not just the fact that it's a new forum software, other forums that I use/have built do not feel as awkward to use.
This is going to take some serious getting used to.
Personally, I'd get rid of the black border lines everywhere, it would look a lot cleaner and less busy.
I think there's quite a few features / functionality from the old forum that have ported over but are implemented in a different way and people (myself included) just don't know the new way of doing things.

For instance, the reply button instead of a single quote; bold thread titles etc.

Actually, the bold thread titles for threads with new posts is a bit of an issue at the moment because technically all the threads are new, so all the titles are bold, making it all quite hard to read but this should sort itself out over time.

I'm having a bit of an issue with the quick reply box. After every keystroke all of the text on the page goes from light to regular (or 100 weight to 300) it makes it look like it's flashing and could probably induce a seizure if you were susceptible to it.

This is in Safari 10.0.2 on OSX 10.12.2
This might take some adjustment time, however, it seems much faster and a few useful features seem to have been added...
To expand on my previous comment about the layout, I think it's the indentation of the forum titles, and the reused icon.
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