New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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I'm happy with the new forum, some parts will just take a little bit of getting used to.

I have a minor problem with the flag showing new posts overlapping slightly on the text:
You talking about the main front page of the forums with the ocuk logo next to every forum topic section?

Having it pasted next to every topic looks a bit much personally.


Another thing, read topics don't seem to display differently to non read topics... if that makes sense.

The old style would be bold for new posts, and regular for non new posts.

Could do with the same, as it's easier to see which topics have new posts.
I really don't appreciate you abusing your position to make personal attacks. And you don't know the first thing about me.

Abusing position, no. Personal attacks, no. Never claimed I know anything about you, I'm going based on your posting history which is quite evident in this thread.
Perspective? Constructive criticism is what we need not 3 posts of "Rarrghh I hate it. It's stupid" which help no one :)

At least you know how I feel :p

And I also suggested that we return to the old forums. If that isn't possible, then perhaps modifying the appearance of the new forum to mirror the old one (which just worked) might be? Is that constructive?
Something else, the old forum would display an icon next to threads you've posted in.... new forum doesn't do that, would be good to have a similar notification.
There are alert preferences, you might need to check what is ticked and what isn't :)

Top right - click your name and you'll find it.
I like the WIP dark theme though I think it needs white text and the online triangle indicators adding back, or at least options on the stylish page before you install like the old dark theme use to have.
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