New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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I do love all the moaning in here about how OCUK have handled this...

Anyone would have thought they were hosting this community for free and at no charge to its users :rolleyes:

Sorry, but the community is so intrinsically linked to the store, one would expect a leading tech company to be able to pull off a flawless switch.
I remember when the avforums forum was changed and everybody was complaining they dont like it.. now this just feels normal to me you will get used to it:)

Cant we have some better emotes and a like button?
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I do love all the moaning in here about how OCUK have handled this...

Anyone would have thought they were hosting this community for free and at no charge to its users :rolleyes:

You honestly believe they don't profit from the forum?

I'm sure the return on investment is quite healthy.
I find it much harder to find the actual post in all the chaff now. Plus the 'last update' on each thread is a lot harder to read. I hate it :( Bring back the good old days!
Another thing I'm noticing using chrome on android is that I can't see the last poster anymore in portrait view. Only landscape.
Server appears to be intermittently choking. Anyone else?
Very slow.
Everyone said it's faster but I've noticed no difference when refreshing. Initial page load is definitely slower (but I've increased displayed posts to 50, so half expected).
Everyone said it's faster but I've noticed no difference when refreshing. Initial page load is definitely slower (but I've increased displayed posts to 50, so half expected).

It was fast this morning, but I've experienced quite a few lock ups now opening this thread.
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