New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Yes I have...already done so in this thread...

But tbh it doesn't rake a brain surgeon to know that drop shadow looks terrible...:p

Isn't the drop shadow noted as an issue on the first page?

Whilst the drop shadow isn't inline with the rest of the design. I find it less distracting than the occasional gradients in bars, these seem to break the flat "material design" esq approach and work poorly (as most gradients do) on mobile/various resolutions. Even with these minor visual miscues, on mobile at least, it is an order of magnitude better. On the desktop, whilst I'm still learning some of the new navigation options, text readability/contrast appears improved on average. Considering this is an import from a different and busy forum, those claiming it is trivial are unlikely to have worked in this area imho.
First impressions after a few minutes: I quite like the layout overall, having no description of each board kind of makes the main list a bit daunting to look at though. The Facebook icon on each post can probably disappear, it doesn't seem useful. Some of the buttons are a bit small too, and the tiny Log In link at the top of the page evaded me at first.

The fact you've managed to transfer everything across seemingly intact should be commended though. :)

Edit: Ability to hide 'sections' again would be nice and save some mileage on my scroll wheel.
I assume this will looks heaps better in a completely different colour scheme?
Is it just the blue on blue on blue with white what is making it unreadable?
Even the long lists of threads are now very hard to discern.
If I was to change one element of the design, where one pixel full white is being used to box current items and buttons, I'd look at dropping the contrast to something less prominent, to allow focus on the main content. That said anyone claiming less readability of text, I believe that can only be due to visual distraction of the above mentioned high contrast elements.
Whatever is in bold font, has been replied to. Whatever isn't - is idle.

i do agree that OCUK rev LEDs icon should be put to better use though

I must be doing something wrong or not explaining what I mean right

on the Home page nothing in the list of sections looks bold and the icon next to that section no longer changes to indicate a new post\reply under this category.

For example if I'm scrolling through the home page and someone has replied to a post under the graphics card section previously the icon next to this would change (its now the OCUK logo outlined in the picture I posted) but now the icon doesn't change and there doesn't seem to be a quick way to mark everything under that section
Sorry guys new design is poor trying to read Post's on mobile device is terrible. Eye strain??

Sorry, I only have a little experience in producing accessible websites and that is now a little dated, can you explain what you mean by this?

Obviously in the previous forum the layout wasn't as capable at responding to varying resolutions, so layout often forced either shrinking the whole site to fit the width of the device, or scrolling left to right. Additionally the posting section is the highest contrast possible, to my eyes the readability of the text on mobile is a substantial improvement.
If I was to change one element of the design, where one pixel full white is being used to box current items and buttons, I'd look at dropping the contrast to something less prominent, to allow focus on the main content. That said anyone claiming less readability of text, I believe that can only be due to visual distraction of the above mentioned high contrast elements.

Agreed that is one of the biggest visual distrations for me. Kind of miss being able to see the little icon indicating if I've posted in a thread or not as well plus the ability to go quickly to the last post in a thread rather than first unread - though it might be I just haven't found the new version of that functionality yet.
On dropping the visual precedence of white 1px box elements, I'd consider the chevrons in the breadcrumb trail closer to where those elements should be.
You know I was whinging about mobile versions being **** but I actually quite like this one.

Seems to be a lot of space between posts and the avatars are too big but otherwise I like it.

There's also a white line top right of post area on each post not really sure why that's there :/.
one more thing missing is when you post in a section it no longer tells you which topics you have posted in? for instance in say pc games if I post in a topic before there was a little black dot or similar to show you had posted in that thread, I found it very useful as my memory isn't the best, now it seems I have to remember every bloody thread ive posted in and go through loads of them to see if the conversation has been continued lol please bring back some sort of mark to show which threads/topics you have posted in
Agreed that is one of the biggest visual distrations for me. Kind of miss being able to see the little icon indicating if I've posted in a thread or not as well plus the ability to go quickly to the last post in a thread rather than first unread - though it might be I just haven't found the new version of that functionality yet.

I'll take my time on comments for the navigation/information architecture, I had become accustomed to the old forum and at the moment I think it may prove a close thing between the new and old functionality. I didn't find the old system particularly intuitive, but there were elements I came to really appreciate.
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