New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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oh please, it's hardly a sense of entitlement. people have a right to be peeved when a forum they use and love turns into a <> overnight.
It's hardly anything like that and the bugs will be ironed out. People are getting way too upset over this.

edit: and the sware filters obviously need some fine tuning. You should probably edit that post....
Why the need for change? there was nothing wrong with the old one. This is fugly... oh wait, didn't the shop suffer the same fate? Hands up who's call was this?

Seriously? Nobody remembers when the forums took 15 minutes to respond? Lots of times it kept timing out...
No Forum Jump combobox at the bottom of the page that lets you choose what forum you want to go to directly.

At the top and bottom of the page - See this:


Click it. Navigation tool.
I can't reply to my MM wanted thread? I do not have sufficient permissions to do this apparently.

I was so confused when it opened up in mobile mode. Looks a bit all the same, but works better, it'll take a little getting used too. Maybe like the black theme available too?
I can't put my finger on why, as I've always used blue/white as the theme even when the dark once came about on the "old" forums.
Something about the forums now makes it very difficult on the eyes, even typing this seems difficult. I'm sure plenty of people have already said it given how many posts there have been, but I'm not about to read through them as I'd rather not do that to my eyes.
On the plus side, it'll make it easier to not sign-on during the day at work. I hope readability is sorted out soon, I've never had this problem on any other forums.
I've imported forums multiples larger than ocuk and not once have I ever seen a (currently 88) page long thread with so many complaints so quickly.

Regardless of privilege vs rights, as a leading tech company ocuk should have done this right first time round, not use the live migration as their as-hoc beta testing-as-you-go.

I'm disappointed more than annoyed. Considering I offered at one point to go up to ocuk HQ and discuss it with them free of charge (you know, with being the foremost expert in the world on importing to XenForo and all that as my job) because I wanted to see it implemented correctly.

I'm sure your modesty really endeared them to you.
It's hardly anything like that and the bugs will be ironed out. People are getting way too upset over this.

edit: and the sware filters obviously need some fine tuning. You should probably edit that post....

you may not think it is anything like that, many clearly do. I appreciate their are bugs to be ironed out but there are a number of people on here who have experience of XF and are clearly miffed at how poorly it has been implemented so I think that alone justifies the cluster**** statement

cheers for the point out on the sweary btw - that would have been a cluster**** for me, would have tarnished my otherwise impeccable record:p
I can't put my finger on why, as I've always used blue/white as the theme even when the dark once came about on the "old" forums.
Something about the forums now makes it very difficult on the eyes, even typing this seems difficult. I'm sure plenty of people have already said it given how many posts there have been, but I'm not about to read through them as I'd rather not do that to my eyes.
On the plus side, it'll make it easier to not sign-on during the day at work. I hope readability is sorted out soon, I've never had this problem on any other forums.

I think it's just that everything has a sharper feel to it.
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