New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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On the old system when I logged in, only threads that had been added to since my last visit came up as unread - now all unread threads are showing as unread, so I have no real way to see what is actually new since my last visit, unless there's a setting I can't see. There also appears to be no "Your last visit was.....".
Im not getting to post in members market. Im getting a message saying "(You have insufficient privileges to reply here.)" also my post count has dropped 600 odd not to fussed on that but missing out on a purchase in the members market will hurt me :(
I miss being able to see which threads I've posted in, and the button to take me to the first unread post in a thread.

I miss them very much :(

The glasses icon on the right shows you what you have posted in. If you click thread title it will take you last post and the envelope icon on the far left will take you last unread post.
I'm fairly at ease with everything now. I apologise for my drama earlier, it was all a bit of a shock before Thesnipergecko released his forum tweaks.
The glasses icon on the right shows you what you have posted in. If you click thread title it will take you last post and the envelope icon on the far left will take you last unread post.

Well more accurately it shows you that the thread is "watched".

So that will only work if, like me, you have checked the box that automatically watches any threads you post in. Rendering the traditional use of the "watched threads" function, null.
Can't say I'm a fan of the new style/layout.
Seems to be a lot of wasted space in certain views (yet it still doesn't scale that well on lower resultions for some reason), and it feels like there are less details available on any one view at any given time.
Going for the 'flat' or google design language is all well and good on a mobile, but on larger displays it's just a waste and looks bland. (the old theme may not have been snazzy, but it allowed for a forum that was very easy to navigate and read. With clear distinctions between posts. It was clear and effective, unlike a lot of other forums these days.
Almost seems like the colours are wasted out and making text harder to read/distinguish in places.

I'm sure under the hood there are numerous changes to help make the forum better, more efficient resource use etc. which is good and it does feel pretty quick.

Also, the edit post button really should be located on the right hand side of your post. It is not intuitive (or logical) to have it on the left beside the report button.
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