New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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There's also a massive problem with the current way the MM has been "closed". Nothing stops you taking the transaction outside of MM, which isn't good for a traceability and problem resolution POV.
that doesnt help when lots of people dont even use GD or think to look there.

Terrible Acme analogy incoming.

its like if a bridge was out, youd put a barrier and a sign in front of it. you wouldnt send out flyers and put a banner on the town hall and then say "well we sent out flyers!" when people crash into the river. :D
We're working on doing an announcement too but this is all a bit new to us as well

That's good to know (the announcement).

I appreciate that the learning curve of the new forum software will take some getting used to from the moderation team's perspective also :)

its luke if a bridge was out, youd put a bsrrier and a sign in front of it. you wouldnt senr out flyers and put a banner on the town hall. :D

Quite, it's a bit like the butchers putting a sign up saying that the post office is closed :P
Use ghostery blocks all trackers and such things.

So does Privacy Badger and it is actually made by really trustworthy people. Ghostery I've used in the past but gave it because Privacy Badger is so much better.

Edit: These are the following addons I use to protect my privacy:

Privacy Badger
Web of Trust
AdBlock Plus
HTTPS Everywhere
not sure if its a bug or delibrate but i can see the MM pages but i get a msg saying i have insufficient privlages to reply even tho ive been using it for years?
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