New Gaming Rig Advice..

We could try a setup outside of the case - to completely rule out a shorting issue.

We would boot the MB with screwdriver - by touching the power pins.

This would eliminate the case as a factor as all cables would be unattached and the board wouldn't be attached to any metal. You would sit it on top of some cardboard (motherboard box is perfect for this).
You wouldn't need to take out the PSU as you will probably be able to make it stretch.

So, all that would be attached is the CPU/HS, 1 stick of memroy, vga to monitor and obviously the PSU.
The thing is, everything was working absolutely fine until I took out the RAM so I really don't think there's anything wrong with anything else.
You would think.

But it's a PC.

For example - an HDD that been working flawlessly for years can suddenly die if taken out and moved to a different bay (i know it's happened a couple of times - i've moved tens of HDDs.). The drive would have probably carried on working had it been left where it was but the act of moving it was enough to trigger a pending fault - one that may not have occurred if it had remained in situ.

Same with your memory swap or the BIOS setting from IDE to ACHI - both come up with this type of problem with searches.

But - there's still a slight chance we may get life - but admit that the odds are stacked against us now.

Sorry bud.
I don't think I can get the motherboard out that easily, the person who built it for me at the time didn't exactly put the screws in to the stand offs properly and sure a couple are stuck in the standoffs.

I really don't know what else to do now, I'm gutted.
I don't think I can get the motherboard out that easily, the person who built it for me at the time didn't exactly put the screws in to the stand offs properly and sure a couple are stuck in the standoffs.

Could you elaborate - as you're describing a 'shorting like issue' - and that sounds odd.
As the looping started with the swap of the memory - there's a chance that the pressure exerted in taking out and putting in new memory may have caused the board to short against the case or the IO plate.
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