New Gaming Rig Advice..

:D Is it a worthy upgrade from my current 1080p 144hz AOC monitor? Hearing G-Sync is perfect for complimenting a NVidia graphics card and smooth gameplay so it's right up my street..
Ok cheers Plec.

I think I have managed to fix the fps drops/tiny stutter in Wildlands.

It's one of two things..

1) I've only just realised that my screen in game was on windowed border less, changed that to full screen now.
2) Put V-Sync on.

Since doing them two things it's been perfect. Also noticed that my GPU usage has gone way down now to about 70-80%. Before it was high 90's at all times.
You'd suggest to put V-Sync on, on every game then?

The monitor I have now was bought from here a couple years back, it's a "AOC G2460FQ 24" Widescreen 144Hz 1ms Gaming LED Monitor - Gunmetal".

Checked in Display Adapter Settings, it was set at 60hz.. I forgot to re do it when we re installed Windows. Set to 144 now.

Under monitors it just says "General PnP Monitor", is it meant to say that?
Thanks for the replies lads. I've just landed in Menorca so a bit late with the reply! (Im sure Plec is happy with the break).

I think I need to have a bit more time with my current set up really before I make a decision so I definitely know what my monitor/set up is capable of. Really don't think my calibration is set up right on my current screen, haven't a clue what settings I should change.

Anyway... G-SYNC does sound very tempting as smooth is all I want out of a game. Aslong as it's smooth I'm not too bothered about how high the FPS are. It's a tough one.... Again.
Not bad Plec thanks, you?

Haha still having fun with Battlegrounds at the moment yes!

Yeah I did see that F7 was in Beta, we shall definitely be giving that a go once it's released. I may get a new cooler for when we do the clock, can afford to get a decent one so might look in to it soon.

I'm building another PC tomorrow, this time for my cousin, all coming at once it seems!
Unfortunately not, back in England now enjoying this lovely rain we seem to be having at the moment. :D
Haha it shouldn't be to bad. Same motherboard as mine and a Ryzen 1500x so I should know what I'm doing! He doesn't have the money to buy a Windows key yet though, am I right in thinking he gets a 30 day free trial if I install it? He will have some money by then.
DPD aren't delivering the motherboard until between 3.30-4.30 unfortunately, will try get a bit done today and finish it tomorrow I think. Got a nasty chest infection at the moment :(
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