New Gaming Rig Advice..


Somehow got to clean this message up now..
Hehe, not so tidy.

Just cut them off.

Parent's peed off yet that you've stolen their dining room? ;)
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Blame me - i'm miles away...

Got your sob story worked out for MS?

You need a good reason why you haven't got your product key.

Perhaps disk/key got lost in a move...
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It's not a problem - but if you find that the GTX 1070 is getting hotter than expected - you could stick a 140/120mm fan on the front to improve airflow.

That MSI Armour can get quite toasty - i know, i have one.

Not a worry - just something to look out for when testing later.
Seems appropriate - would try that first.

If they're working off a script and can't get pass the fact you haven't got a key try - this.

May end up taking you to the same place but may not...

I would lead with lost key, new system, dead SSD (so can't get key off old OS drive) but key tied to my MS account etc... - before explaining the sob story.

Act as though you expect the licence to be moved - not arrogantly (don't think you could :)) - but in a courteous, assumed 'this will not be a problem' way...

Don't convey that you think this will be an issue - they may follow your lead.
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He may be after a proof of purchase...

i never allow that personally - ask why he needs to?

Has he identified your MS account?

(he'll be holding 3 conversations at the same time so don't worry about the delay)
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