New Hitman game

darkgen;30489515 said:
For 23 stinkers, is it worth the punt? Really enjoyed BM but was disappointed in Absolution.

It's worth 23. But I feel ripped off paying 38 for it on PS4, put it that way.

Blood Money was FAR superior imo.
Spuddy;30489531 said:
Blood Money was FAR superior imo.
This is concerning. Are the mechanics closer to BM than Absolution? Absolution felt clunky, with among others not being unable to close doors which was simply weird.
darkgen;30489546 said:
This is concerning. Are the mechanics closer to BM than Absolution? Absolution felt clunky, with among others not being unable to close doors which was simply weird.

It's a lot closer to BM yeah, Absolution was absolutely dire. This game isn't dire at all, but lacks some features of BM like someone else already noted above. These may or may not be important to you.

For me, the worst thing is there doesn't seem to be much of a story - if at all. Sure you get a random cutscene between each mission and then you're told to go kill someone, it doesn't flow right for me. They seem like random missions of assassinating random targets rather than having a purpose.
darkgen;30489754 said:
Oh yeah just read Jono8's comments. Ouch. Now I'm left umming and erring. Hohum.

Some of those points though are really nit-picking imo and it seems he played like 30 mins of the game and decided to rant. not cool.
I picked he game up a few days ago (Loved BM btw), and its a different beast to BM really.
It has far more kill options, much more variety with the various contracts etc. In BM once you did a level that was it, this game encourages you to go back in with different targets, items, challenges.
agnes;30487584 said:
I've detested the idea of 'episodes' for this game so I've held off... Now the first season has been released, I'm tempted to pick up the intro pack. At £10, is it worth it?

If I do enjoy it, I can get the remaining episodes individually or in a bulk, ideally in a bulk.

I fancy a new stealth shooter.

I didn't like the episode idea at first but it just works with this game. Also, instead of being tempted to blast through every level it encourages you to fully explore each map and complete creative, unusual and comical challenges (accident kills can be hilarious) that you might not have discovered otherwise.

Definitely worth it at that price, but I would recommend the whole game, every level has been enjoyable (haven't played the last one yet).
darkgen;30489515 said:
For 23 stinkers, is it worth the punt? Really enjoyed BM but was disappointed in Absolution.

I would say most definitely. Gorgeous levels with so many different ways to do things and hundreds of hours of replayability (that you will want to do because places like Sapienza are so beautiful).

And yes it is back to being more like Blood Money instead of Absolution, thankfully.
Bought this a while ago having never played a Hitman game before, I quite like but I can't even get off the sodding 1st map (fashion show). Have tried a few ways of execution but get seen everytime so I guess I just suck!
Spuddy;30489574 said:
It's a lot closer to BM yeah, Absolution was absolutely dire. This game isn't dire at all, but lacks some features of BM like someone else already noted above. These may or may not be important to you.

For me, the worst thing is there doesn't seem to be much of a story - if at all. Sure you get a random cutscene between each mission and then you're told to go kill someone, it doesn't flow right for me. They seem like random missions of assassinating random targets rather than having a purpose.

Yes it felt like that for the first few missions alright but around Bangkok and Colorado the various threads started coming together for me. It’s interesting, I am enjoying the story.

Also, you would probably not notice the significance of certain names and events on your first playthrough. e.g. even from the training mission right at the start, but when I went back again to finish off the challenges (having played most of the later missions) I realised the significance of certain names etc. There’s a bit of depth that you will only get on replaying missions. It adds a few layers of exposition for those that invest the time. With that and the Elusive Targets and the new Professional mode plus the bonus free missions, they are really rewarding their fans (for free), which is great to see nowadays.
And the new Elusive Target is out today, was supposed to go live around 1pm I think so should be live now in Bangkok. Elusive Targets are only available for a limited time (seven days this time) so you must kill the target in the next seven days or they are gone. Also, you can’t restart the mission once you start completing objectives (unless you unplug your Ethernet cable which is a trick that seems to work). Some of the reward suits you get for Elusive Targets are pretty cool so they’re well worth it (if you’re having difficulty Mr Freeze will usually have a video guide up on YouTube).
I fancy this but m confused which version to get - Comolete First Season or Full Experience - they're both £23 at cdkeys. Surely the full experience would be the one to get all episodes and content, or is it just a season pass? Any help?
Sorry if this is a daft question, but are all the episodes out now? I played the first episode when it came out and loved it, and I promised myself I'd wait until they were all out before playing it. Am I safe to play now?
Jonnyfriendly;30490787 said:
I fancy this but m confused which version to get - Comolete First Season or Full Experience - they're both £23 at cdkeys. Surely the full experience would be the one to get all episodes and content, or is it just a season pass? Any help?

They are the same thing. The season has ended, so its all just s1 content.
Season 2 will require another pass/purchase.

Worthy;30490862 said:
Sorry if this is a daft question, but are all the episodes out now? I played the first episode when it came out and loved it, and I promised myself I'd wait until they were all out before playing it. Am I safe to play now?

Yes. Season 2 is currently being worked on.
Worthy;30490862 said:
Sorry if this is a daft question, but are all the episodes out now? I played the first episode when it came out and loved it, and I promised myself I'd wait until they were all out before playing it. Am I safe to play now?

Yes they're all out, and pretty impressive. Each one has its own unique feel, they are all very different and interesting in their own ways. Even the only one I didn't like at first (Colorado, I found it very hard at the start and kind of brown and green and dull in visuals compared with some of the other more spectacular locations). But even that one, once I got into it, the gameplay is great and there is a ton of replayability.

I would also recommend trying for some of the more obscure challenges (Redacted), some of them will take a bit of experimentation (and a couple are fiendishly difficult without using a guide!) but some of them are great fun. There's a fair few easter eggs too if you keep digging. Happy hunting!
Jonnyfriendly;30490787 said:
I fancy this but m confused which version to get - Comolete First Season or Full Experience - they're both £23 at cdkeys. Surely the full experience would be the one to get all episodes and content, or is it just a season pass? Any help?

£23? I couldn't find it for less than £35!
iamtheoneneo;30489812 said:
Some of those points though are really nit-picking imo and it seems he played like 30 mins of the game and decided to rant. not cool.
I picked he game up a few days ago (Loved BM btw), and its a different beast to BM really.
It has far more kill options, much more variety with the various contracts etc. In BM once you did a level that was it, this game encourages you to go back in with different targets, items, challenges.

It isn't nit-picking. Games should be getting better not regressing.

The game is still a regression from Blood Money.

I'm not doubting it is fun/ok to play. It certainly wasn't worth £20 in my opinion, which is why I got a refund. I am not paying £20 for a game that has less features and less attention to detail than a game released in 2006.

Whilst you may think it is nitpicking, that moment when I first played it and chose to take the first target as a human shield and found I couldn't because they had removed that feature completely ruined it for me. All this talk of "ooo look how many options you have to kill people" was ruined in that one moment.

I may well pick this up when it drops to under £10 (which it should have done already, only this episodic rubbish is stopping that).
Umm, no offense but it does sound a bit like nit-picking...

What sense does taking someone as a human shield even make in a game whose fun factor relies so heavily on fulfilling your objectives without anyone noticing?
I hardly ever used that option in past games.

Does something as minuscule as the loss of this feature, rather redundant in the context of the game, really overshadow what this iteration of Hitman does right?
I mean, there's plenty of options at your disposal if you want to wreak havoc. You can shoot your target with a cannon or use an exploding golf ball or... dozens more...

I didn't notice the "problem" because I somehow didn't even once think "yes, I'm at a posh party in Paris and there are hundreds of people everywhere, what I should do now is use my target as a human shield";p
Amatsubu;30491713 said:
Umm, no offense but it does sound a bit like nit-picking...

What sense does taking someone as a human shield even make in a game whose fun factor relies so heavily on fulfilling your objectives without anyone noticing?
I hardly ever used that option in past games.

Does something as minuscule as the loss of this feature, rather redundant in the context of the game, really overshadow what this iteration of Hitman does right?
I mean, there's plenty of options at your disposal if you want to wreak havoc. You can shoot your target with a cannon or use an exploding golf ball or... dozens more...

I didn't notice the "problem" because I somehow didn't even once think "yes, I'm at a posh party in Paris and there are hundreds of people everywhere, what I should do now is use my target as a human shield";p

You seem to be associating taking a human shield as wreaking havoc. I always used it for the opposite. It was a great way of taking someone out of play quickly and still being able to potentially take out someone else (very quickly if needs be). Room with two people you need to take out? Human shield one, take out the other then incapacitate the guy you are holding. That felt pretty bad ass in Blood Money when you got it right :p

It is the principle. Why remove it? Why remove holstering animations? Why remove light switches? Why remove the first person view? Why remove customisable weapons? Why remove taking someone as a human shield? Why remove looking through keyholes? Why remove one the best save game mechanics a game has ever had? etc.

All those things being removed either break immersion and/or offer less choice and variation.

Loads of very good features have been removed. It just simply felt more simple and genuinely felt like a very pretty, but ultimately watered down mobile/"lite" version of Blood Money or something.

I am not saying its is a bad game. It just isn't an improvement overall and it takes too many steps in the wrong direction in my opinion. The contracts and large levels are obviously a plus but those things are hampered by the watered down core gameplay.
Jono8;30491608 said:
It isn't nit-picking. .

The game is still a regression from Blood Money.

yes it is, and no its not but you wouldn't know that because you played nothing of it before throwing a tantrum. Yet somehow find validity in trashing a game you played nothing of.


Elusive Target 20: I got her in a room on her own, only to stupidly blow out a door window when i went to kill her.. game over fakkkkkkk
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