New iPod??

I'm getting confused now,do you think its the ipod video or ipod nano thats getting a revamp or is it both?I would not be happy if that fatnano or whatever its called is the only thing their releasing.
I bought my 3rd gen second hand.

I think I've earnt a new one by now ;)

Shall be ordering asap, providing it ticks my boxes.
Damn,being a first year student and will be owning a car I don't think I would be able to afford one if its over £200.Ah well Creative Zen Vision for me then!
*runs in*

you could buy the new creative zen player, its like the zen v but has more capacity 4,8 and 16gb, supports sd cards but best of all supports non drm songs from itunes...........

*runs off*
Didn't Apple remove DRM?

Technically no, they just offered the same songs at a higher bitrate without DRM for a higher price, but they still sell the DRM'd songs (for less).

If they'd offered the DRM-less songs for the same price the people who'd bought them with DRM would have started a riot against Apple.. cunning of Mr Jobs tbh
Same not too much to ask is it?
Just curious if they did release an ipod like that do you think it will be more expensive than the current gen price?

I wouldn't expect it to cost more than the top model of the current Gen, that's usually how it works. It doesn't create a new price bracket, merely replaces the current models.

Can be good for those who want a refurb model as the price is usually pretty decent when new models are launched :)
Theres GUI shots on ThinkSecret FYI everyone. :).

Looking like a definate purchase for me.
3.5" screen. Small. Touchscreen (i love touchscreens), 120Gb.
Asuming its got 20hours audio life like my 5g, im buying. :D
Aye, just seen those screenshots, read the paragraph, looks like those are for the nano. if true, so the iPod should be similar

EDIT: Would have preferred flash based myself for the iPod Touch for faster access, quicker writing speeds and better battery life.

Either way if it's touch screen I really am ordering one as soon as they are available :)
I may just wait until I'm in London on the 13th to pick one up.

I doubt any resellers round here (nearest is Cardiff) will have them on the 6th (my birthday), and i'm on holidays on the 8th! :(
I was hoping they would :o

I doubt they have though because they would have already been shipped to the Apple stores, and someone would have leaked it by now.
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