New Minecraft 1.13.2 Vanilla server now up!

How do you get it zoomed out so far - mine won't go that far. I've changed the worldmap options to 0.125x zoom but it won't go any better than that.

If I can get mine zoomed out as far I'll stick mine up as well - cheers :)

Edit:I've just installed dynmap. It's currently rendering everything that's already been generated/explored so will take some time. The addy is:

What do we think - should we keep the dynmap or not. I'm open to suggestions and don't mind either way. I can hide player locations if people prefer - let me know your thoughts.


Ooo I like that.

Thanks Lewis as well.
@LewisRaz you can still use him to breed with, so not a total loss! Looking at your base, there's a village not too far away to the South West and it's right on the coast so a better bet might be to go collect a couple of villagers and bring them back using boats and the sea to start off, as zombie villagers aren't *that* common.
Ham, went to your base to use the existing villagers for enchantment trades to replace some of my lost gear. It seems I cannot access them as there is no way down and I don't even have permission to ender pearl down there, didn't have this issue earlier when you were on and I visited your place?
Ham, went to your base to use the existing villagers for enchantment trades to replace some of my lost gear. It seems I cannot access them as there is no way down and I don't even have permission to ender pearl down there, didn't have this issue earlier when you were on and I visited your place?

Ah poop - I moved my claims about to cover the castle etc! I'll make some stairs or a bubble elevator down there. I usually fly down there, as it is very much a work in progress lol!

Edit: I've put in a down bubblevator. Don't forget to crouch when you exit so as not to take damage from the magma block at the bottom1!
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Well... Looks like someone has an eye on best server admin of the year

TY... Saves me hours of swearing at villagers in boats :D

Working as intended :) Thanks @haaammit

Nice one! Had half an hour to kill after posting yesterday so thought I'd see if it would be easy to do and thought whilst I'm here, go for it lol!!

I wouldn't go to mad on breeding them until you get decent storage for them as they are a royal pita to move about when there's lots of them! Obvs keep the place well lit as well. If you store them in a room with a dispenser in one corner with a bucket of water in you can flush them to the opposite corner and pick them out one at a time using minecarts. If you look at my breeder at my place you'll get the gist.

Laters - Ham
Nice one! Had half an hour to kill after posting yesterday so thought I'd see if it would be easy to do and thought whilst I'm here, go for it lol!!

I wouldn't go to mad on breeding them until you get decent storage for them as they are a royal pita to move about when there's lots of them! Obvs keep the place well lit as well. If you store them in a room with a dispenser in one corner with a bucket of water in you can flush them to the opposite corner and pick them out one at a time using minecarts. If you look at my breeder at my place you'll get the gist.

Laters - Ham
If I open the trap doors on my farm water will push the babies into a corner then I can move them to my storage under ground :)
Ah coolio!

The dynmap render for the overworld is now complete (took 4 days to do, but was over 1.1 million tiles lol). Newly explored land will now be generated live.

I've started the render on the Nether today but that shouldn't take anywhere near as long, and once that's done I'll do the End as well :)

Cheers - Ham

Edit: I've updated the op to include info about the dynmap and also what public farms have/are being built.
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Overworld, Nether and TheEnd are all now fully rendered on Dynmap and should update when new chunks are generated!

I've added a little spawn shack at spawn so any new players have a place to sleep when they first join. I've added a few basic startup kits and food etc. Feel free to drop off any loot you don't need but think might help noobs to start out. The portal to spawn is a little messed up right now, but will be resolved soon because I've had to make a few changes to move villagers about, becuase:.....

I'm a little worried about the changes to villages in 1.14, specifically trading and iron farms, so I decided to work on a project today to ensure we have enough iron as and when we update the world to 1.14

An iron farm in spawn chunks seemed the way forwards as it will be loaded 24/7. Managed to get in all four villages and have loaded the top two (the most difficult) ones with villagers in the villager pods. Another day should see this project out. Not sure whether to just leave the chests (when I build the storage) open to all players or to do what I've done in the past and made it so you can only get new, afk'd loot you afk'd yourself. Open to ideas.
Big ty to @LewisRaz for a load of oak wood :)

I hope to see this project out tomorrow!

The Guardian Farm is coming on nicely, thanks in no small part to Sylvet aka @hegemon - nice work mate :) Also, the Witchfarm - can I setup an afk spot and make chests accessible to all? Let me know.

Anyhoozle, bit worn out, been a few hours today and I absolutely loathe messing about with villagers lol! Catch y'all ig! Laters - Ham

Spawn iron farm - yes, there will be support legs added later :p It's a WIP :)

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Iron farm at spawn is now fully operational. I've made a storage room just to the East of the SpawnShack. At the moment the drops are going into claimed chests. There is a spot you can AFK at to divert the drops into public chests, but I'll see how that goes depending on rates. Rates seem to be good, but I'll know more after 24 hours or so, but I reckon about 3 stacks of ingots per hour. The area is not decorated yet, bare with me :p It is functional though :)

I'm keeping the flowers for now but will probably start dumping them after I have a dub or so.

Can I ask that no wooden doors are added near the farm for the foreseeable future so as we can maximise rates? Ta.

So, feel free to jump on - catch you ig. Laters, Ham
unrelated, we used to have a modded server somewhere abouts, which had factory mods (mining etc) I really want to know what those mods were!
can you add me to the whitelist please? VeNT666

unrelated, we used to have a modded server somewhere abouts, which had factory mods (mining etc) I really want to know what those mods were!

Added :) I ran Beyond for a year, but the whitelist was carried over from that, so wasn't a mod from that I don't think

Was it on the old Linktart server? I never got into modded on Linktart - maybe @FrenchTart or @5punk3monk3y or @yrthilian may remember what mods were on it?
Added :) I ran Beyond for a year, but the whitelist was carried over from that, so wasn't a mod from that I don't think

Was it on the old Linktart server? I never got into modded on Linktart - maybe @FrenchTart or @5punk3monk3y or @yrthilian may remember what mods were on it?

It depends, we ran a number of servers but the mods have moved on A LOT since then if I recall it was at one time a direwolf mod pack and I also believe we used monster at one stage.

This was the last that we ran
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