New OcUK Website

Lol @ scanlines, thats just lazy.

Layuot is fine but the colours don't match, especially the adverts on either side.
While it looks nice, its a little to like competitor sites for me... I always find them confuzing and come spend my money with OcUK because the interface is nice and I can just click the pictures.... Guess I will ring up in future to make it even easier
robmiller said:
Which is where recommendations come in. I hate discussing this because it's so hard to explain things without mentioning competitors.

The best thing to do is rank products according to popularity (times bought in the last month/fortnight/whatever) and display those when you first visit a category, with the products list below it.

Also, something you might consider is a comparison function. A certain Scandinavian-named online PC site does this and it's a godsend when you're umming and ahhing about what particular product to buy. Essentially, it lists the product specs of two or more products next to each other in a table, so you can easily see which product trumps the others and in which areas.

I figure a screenshot is ok, since you can't identify the site:

A competitor that begins with a "K" tbh :D
robmiller said:
The best thing to do is rank products according to popularity (times bought in the last month/fortnight/whatever) and display those when you first visit a category, with the products list below it.
Sites which sort by popularity as default REALLY annoy me, i want to see priced lowest to highest.
I quite like it, yes it has turned a bit generic, but the plus points of being able to sort by price out weigh that.

I like the breadcrumbs :)

A few suggestion though:

- Can you swap the prices over so the INC vat price is the most prominant (or at least have an option to do so). I hate having to squint for the price I'm going to pay.

- High-res pictures pleeeeeeeeease

- Remove the "Amazing Deals" and the Scanlines thing above it, they make baby Jesus cry.

btw - this product BU-036-OK title doesn't match the descriptions contents, different mobo
dont like the look of the new web site, looks more like a web site for a small trader than someone as large as ocuk.

Im sure everyone will agree theres aways a need to move forward... but this time think ya gone alittle backwards :rolleyes:
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Heh funny thing is it displays incorrectly when it is really narrow. CSS done poorly, prefered the old design.
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i'll be honest i liked the pictures denoting each section as i didnt have to read, jus click on the image of the ram knowing it would take me to ram. now im having to read the nav bar looking for it :confused: think lil pics were better
just realised how much i now dislike the new look. its the same as three other online retailers its poor and too busy. you click on say GFX cards and your confronted by 6 or so random cfx cards why? now OCuk is just like the same. hopefully the prices dont go the same way too! :mad:
new website is poor, confussing and just like many others, i liked ocuk for been simple and easy to use....go back to the old website please
Sp00n said:
Sites which sort by popularity as default REALLY annoy me, i want to see priced lowest to highest.

I don't mean the sorting of the actual products list, I just mean that when you view a category you're greeted with something like this:

Most popular products in "Graphics Cards":

Blah blah			Blah blah

Blah foo blah			Blah bleurgh


All graphics cards:

Also, I can't believe so many people dislike the design. It's objectively better and more usable in so many ways it's not even funny. I hope it's just nostalgia for the old design or something :/
robmiller said:
I don't mean the sorting of the actual products list, I just mean that when you view a category you're greeted with something like this:

Most popular products in "Graphics Cards":

Blah blah			Blah blah

Blah foo blah			Blah bleurgh


All graphics cards:


Ahhh god, sorry to say this but I don't like the new design or structure.

Far too cluterd for my likings. not to say I won't use OCUK anymore, far from it, it could have just been designed with a little bit more thought.
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