**** New Official DayZ Thread *****

Safe areas:

Create a marker on the map called whatever you want.

//Safezones at marker locations
_pos1 = (getMarkerPos "MarkerName");
_pzone1 = "ProtectionZone_Ep1" createVehicleLocal (_pos1);
_pzone1 setObjectTexture [0,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0.271,0,0.04,ca)"];

Code needs to be called by every client. I don't know how DayZ goes about this but I am sure they will have a client.init somewhere. Add in this
_safeZones = [] execVM "client\functions\createSafezones.sqf";
waitUntil{sleep 0.1; scriptDone _safeZones};

If you leave it at that then there will be a red area as shown in the video. To make it invisible, change the color(1,0.271,0,0.04,ca)"]; to color(0,0,0,0,ca)"];

The protection zones are set to a maximum of 25m so if you need a larger area then place more markers and add more code.

This will NOT stop people getting run over.

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Nice work mate - havent tried it but couple of questions:

If you put the barrel into someone and fire, does it hit that wall or the player and secondly, you have it on regular or below right, what would happen to people on your team if a nade went off or a rocket at that range.. would the splash damage kill you/people around you?

At the moment the way the current script works, when you throw or place something explosive/smoke it makes it disappear :)
Nice work mate - havent tried it but couple of questions:

If you put the barrel into someone and fire, does it hit that wall or the player and secondly, you have it on regular or below right, what would happen to people on your team if a nade went off or a rocket at that range.. would the splash damage kill you/people around you?

At the moment the way the current script works, when you throw or place something explosive/smoke it makes it disappear :)

Works fine on veteran and above. AT weapons, grenades, satchels and ieds etc will not injure anyone in the safe zone.

It helps a small amount with people running over others but as it's not projectile damage it will eventually damage them.

I imagine you are using the modified Arma3 "grenadestop" script for the deletion of things within a radius of a marker. Use it with this for double protection.
[TFU] Thegoon84;24408268 said:
Dave_Beasttt thanks for the help mate, kept spawning in as a bird so god knows haha!

Worst luck ever lately!

Next time you're on i'll sort your gear buddy, was a complete nightmare today with so many players!
Next time you're on i'll sort your gear buddy, was a complete nightmare today with so many players!

Haha yeah I noticed… Was so gutted. Finally had a DMR and was going to go hunting, on my way out saw someone on the floor with a load of gold came back and the problems started from there!!

Grrr next I’m I’m gone.
Whats going on with all the unity and helpful posts in a DayZ thread :eek:

To help maintain the spirit I suggest we all join hands while I sing my rendition of "I'd like to teach the world to sing"

Keep it up gents :)
on Monday the 1.7.7 patch is going to be released

there is no m107 or as50 in this patch they are gone forever :cool:

also if you have one already the bullets will do zero damage ;) so no you wont be getting round it if you using the latest patch and there is a hell of a a lot of changes . it will really change how people play cant wait till monday (all being well no bugs are found ) .

also e3 from june 11th - 13th dayz is there with the standalone

they wont be showing mp :( but a lot of other stuff will be shown.
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