Hello all, I can't see a suggestions forum so I'll post it here.
I've been playing Epoch for several months now, and during that time I've stuck to three different PH servers that offer different experiences, all the while remaining fundamentally Epoch.
I love the PvP and the high tech weapons on one server, and for a while I enjoyed the grind of surviving on the more hardcore server out of the three I played on. The other server I was basically a camping ******* that didn't move spot, I just logged in for a bit of sniper action every couple of days or so.
Anyway, I'm here to throw a couple of ideas to you that can't be implemented by the Admins of the servers, it's a code thing or something. Anyway, to cut to the chase, I'd like a heavily PvE hardcore version of Epoch, one that doesn't need to be heavily populated for a player to be kept busy....here are my suggestions.
Get shut of all the vehicles you wouldn't expect on a former Soviet state, and keep it real. Ladas, Skodas, tractors and other clapped out cars and vans is what I imagine would litter the Chernarus landscape, not shiny SUVs and BMWs. This includes the complete removal of helicopters and planes. At best you'd only expect to see girocopters and microlights and they'd be the most expensive items on the list if they made the list at all. They would be super expensive.
Same with weapons....The best rifle would be the CZ550 only found in rural areas. Best AR would be AKs and the like, only found at the barracks, and they be rare spawners they be, unlike shotguns and Enfields which would be frequent spawners in farm buildings.
Trade system would reflect real life. For instance, a safe wouldn't be as expensive as a helicopter FFS. Of course stuff would be expensive, but it would have to be relative to how rare and how difficult the item is to source, recondition, or make.
Blood transfusions would only be carried out by the doctor dude at the trader cities, so, if you need blood you need to get up north.
While on the subject of blood (now this is the bit that Admin said would need to be changed at the DEV's end) I would implement the selling of one's blood like you see in real life, again this would only be carried out by the doctor dude at the trader cities.
Fuel would be incredibly expensive to buy as one would expect, but quite easy to source on the open landscape upon server restart. I'd have it that fuel can only be scavenged from vehicles, as opposed to spawning in in shiny Jerry cans.
I'd also make more of the coast, or at least the docks. In real life you'd expect some sort of trade going on there.
If possible I'd like a river system carving through the state and boats and rafts apparent.
Of course, while it is more leaning to PvE, there would still be bandits and highwaymen waiting to part you from your goods, which wouldn't necessarily mean someone will die, no, it would be possible to just rob players..
Is this achievable? Does it interest you, or will it be just too boring?
Edit to add......I would expect trader cities to be policed in a real life situation, so I'd be happy for the very unhardcore system already adopted by many servers, and that is the use of 'God Mode' in the trader cities to prevent easy picking for bandits.