New Epoch server online
We have a new Epoch server online full of goodies for people to try.
Server ip
Halo Jump (Fresh Spawns)
Self bloodbag
Auto Refuel
Tow & Lift - No Tow on locked vehicles
AI - Camps and Roaming
Side Missions
Animated Heli, AN2 Crash
Salvage modification to remove every part
Traders Safezone
Full Moon Nights
Snap Building
Indestructible Bases
Extra Vehicles (Merlin, M113Ambul_UN_EP1, BTR40_TK_GUE_EP1 , M1133_MEV_EP1, Bell Heli)
EVAC Chopper
No Salvage on locked vehicles
No Damage on locked vehicles
Plot pole Shield
Map Updates
New Trader cities
Bridges to islands Otmel and Skalisty
Extra Charnarus Buildings
Topolka Dam Military Base
Black Lake Military Base
Hidden Killers Ranch
Wreck Sites
Dead Castle
Devils Caste
Prigindy City
Tikhaya City
Train Wreck
Dubrovka Detruit
Camping Tents
Cherno Quarantine
New Buildings Balota
New Buildings Cherno
New Buildings Kamenka
As you can see there is plenty to do on there and will be introducing some donator packages in the next few days.
Anyway give it a try and please leave some feedback on our forums