**** New Official DayZ Thread *****

Hi guys, here to post up an Epoch server I have been playing on for a few months ran by a decent lot www.bsbnetwork.com.

They run a chern server with some mods and additions and do not use any scripts other than to spawn in vehicles on the coast when they are wearing thin for new spawns.

The server has had a complete wipe in the last week, due to inactive players and huge bases and is looking for more regulars. This is a good time to start as most regulars are still gearing up.

Please note there are a few ruthless bandits who take no prisoners, but they would welcome some competition.

I'm looking for a decent Epoch server to play on, I've noticed though this one isn't running the latest version of the MOD.

Who does everyone use for server hosting? I'm looking to set up a Epoch server for me and a few friends. GTXGaming seem quite cheap has anyone used them before? I've read a bit on the subject and using a dedicated server seems to be the way to go but they seem quite expensive. Also how hard is it to set up and run a server? I've never done it before is it like a couple of hours to set up or is it more like days?
So I have my server up and running without reporting errors but on trying to connect it gives me an error on the client that the ...dayz/addons/XXXX.pbo files are not signed by an accepted key.

The @dayz folder is the same on the client and server (it was copied over).

How can I fix this ?.

Well just to answer my own question, I just needed to uncheck the DayZ expansion in the client.

Am enjoying the game. Currently the game is Lan only so no other players but will play around with AI a bit later.

Trying to get some decent AI guards at the trader camps to take care of zombies, redesigning Stary as it just makes no sense to me in this layout and looking to sort out more realistic spawns... a C130 on the edge of a forest is silly....

Greatest success.. flown a broken Mi8 from the West airfield to the NE airfield, landed safely and sold it.

Greatest failures... Crashed 2x Chinhooks (found), one Mozzie (found) and the Little bird (bought after selling the Mi8) all on their first flights. First Chinhook was difficult to control especially when not used to the controls. The Mozzie came next, hitting a tree, the second Chinhook crashed after a [ALT]+[Tab]'d to check the game map (didn't have one in game), the little bird was great to fly and pretty easy until at the end of my first flight to pick up someone else, trying to slow and turn as I had over flown them the rotors ended up vertical from the ground and from there I just couldn't lift the nose up whatever I tried and boom.... two briefcases and one littlebird down the drain.

I really want to try a Wildcat. Found one but didn't fly it and now cannot remember where it was. Also cannot buy from the aircraft dealer...

Apart from the tragic inability to fly helicopters, am really enjoying it so far.

Well just to answer my own question, I just needed to uncheck the DayZ expansion in the client.

Am enjoying the game. Currently the game is Lan only so no other players but will play around with AI a bit later.

Trying to get some decent AI guards at the trader camps to take care of zombies, redesigning Stary as it just makes no sense to me in this layout and looking to sort out more realistic spawns... a C130 on the edge of a forest is silly....

Greatest success.. flown a broken Mi8 from the West airfield to the NE airfield, landed safely and sold it.

Greatest failures... Crashed 2x Chinhooks (found), one Mozzie (found) and the Little bird (bought after selling the Mi8) all on their first flights. First Chinhook was difficult to control especially when not used to the controls. The Mozzie came next, hitting a tree, the second Chinhook crashed after a [ALT]+[Tab]'d to check the game map (didn't have one in game), the little bird was great to fly and pretty easy until at the end of my first flight to pick up someone else, trying to slow and turn as I had over flown them the rotors ended up vertical from the ground and from there I just couldn't lift the nose up whatever I tried and boom.... two briefcases and one littlebird down the drain.

I really want to try a Wildcat. Found one but didn't fly it and now cannot remember where it was. Also cannot buy from the aircraft dealer...

Apart from the tragic inability to fly helicopters, am really enjoying it so far.


Glad you got it sorted its my first time hosting a server and it's quite a bit more complicated than I thought it would be the smallest thing seems to break it. If you feel like coming online please try out my server its a friendly community so far. Sounds like you've had more success in heli's than I have. I just leave them now because if I go near them I end up dead.
... If you feel like coming online please try out my server its a friendly community so far...

Hope that's a general invitation! ;) :D

The missus and I have been playing Epoch for a couple of weeks now. After a few false starts on servers we've found a good one but the admin isn't around too much at the times we play and it's smarts when you lose big guns etc., to glitching so we're still looking about.

Your server sounds like it might be just the thing as you are a new startup. :)

We're playing on a private LAN at the moment while we learn the ropes, there are frequent..."I'm dead again" *change character data alive=1*

Annnd we're back :D
Hope that's a general invitation! ;) :D

The missus and I have been playing Epoch for a couple of weeks now. After a few false starts on servers we've found a good one but the admin isn't around too much at the times we play and it's smarts when you lose big guns etc., to glitching so we're still looking about.

Your server sounds like it might be just the thing as you are a new startup. :)

We're playing on a private LAN at the moment while we learn the ropes, there are frequent..."I'm dead again" *change character data alive=1*

Annnd we're back :D

Yeah its open to anyone :) please do give it a try. It is my first server so I'm still learning things but I can edit the database if any of your stuff goes missing and you can get hold of me through trust if I'm not online. The server restarts at 6pm and 12am and there are a couple of warnings for it apart from that the server has a constant connection. That is the main reason I rented one, it seemed every server me and my friends tried had connection issues. We have 4 regular players at the moment so it is a good time to join.
If you need any help with any issues drop me a message in trust :)

If that's to me thank you very much :D. I ended up going with vilayer after reading more on gtxgaming in this thread and its been working well so far. I am having problems adding self blood bag but I will give it a few more tries before I ask you because I'm sure it will be something simple I'm missing.
If that's to me thank you very much :D. I ended up going with vilayer after reading more on gtxgaming in this thread and its been working well so far. I am having problems adding self blood bag but I will give it a few more tries before I ask you because I'm sure it will be something simple I'm missing.

I already know what you're doing ;)

Try this guide for Epoch self bloodbagging http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7016-self-bloodbag-script-1041/?p=45767
Glad you got it sorted its my first time hosting a server and it's quite a bit more complicated than I thought it would be the smallest thing seems to break it. If you feel like coming online please try out my server its a friendly community so far. Sounds like you've had more success in heli's than I have. I just leave them now because if I go near them I end up dead.

Well my Heli luck seems to have gone down hill. Finally got the cash together to buy a Mi 17 (Mil spec) and flew it to a field by Stary where someo0ne had found a Heuy that needed a part. Decided to land without auto hover, wheels hit the ground fine but the heli was still rolling forwards, towards some trees. Well tried to pull up, it all went wonkey, hit auto-hover to try and level it out as was just above the ground and the heli flipped on top of the tree upside down and exploted. Oh well...

I also put on DZ AI to get some bandits on as the server is not publically available.

Ended up in Electro up a firestation tower with 10 bandits aiming for me. Came down one flight of stairs and boom !... headshot... dead.

Drove out of Stary on an ATV and within 5 minutes I had a Heli opening up with its door guns chasing me down the road.

Respawning bandits every 5 mins or so with only me playing on the server makes for a rather crowded time. Someone joined me and we managed to take out a heli patrol which was good but I am now working on fine tuning the DZAI config.

Only downside with DZAI I can see so far is that the bandits cannot be harmed by zombies. Zombies can be configured to react to their shots though and they can shoot the zombies which makes finding the AI a bit easier sometimes.

I am also looking at running a headless client on the server for AI.
The server has been running for a few weeks without reboot. Spawns keep on coming. We took down a couple of AI Hueys on seperate occasions at Stary. I found driving around and over zombies was the most efficent distraction method whilst someone else looted the heli crew.

We are now starting with base building but I have noticed there seem to be a lot of heli crash sites and supply crates pop us, sometimes two of each will be in sight of each other. Going North to South would require a lorry to collect all the loot but this is on a non public server.

Hosting the hive on a ram disk seems to be working pretty well. 15 minute backups with 2 weeks worth available and remote copies to ensure backup redundancy. The OS is on one SSD and the game on another. Both SSDs are running at only SATA 2 speed though due to the servers 5500 chipset (ICH10R). A SAS controller may be an option.

I may then look at opening it up to the public and see the crap hit the fan :D.

I am also looking at using DXtory to capture some footage. Maybe a "Now you didn't want to do that... " reel or "How not to fly helicopters."

Have only seen a little stuttering on frame rate. No desync at this point but I am on a local lan with no-one but the AI also playing.

Moving off to a headless setup on the server should allow more cores / ram in the server to be used.

I will probably look at moving the whole live server directory on to a ramdrive with robocopy syncs to ssd of any changed files and incremental backups to a standard 2TB hard drive.

Not such a good night of play last night... Was taking my loot to sell lorry over to Bash and got hit by a road patrol and a heli patrol. Boom goes the lorry and all the loot :eek:. Oh well. Lesson learned... if you are in a vehicle on your own and getting shot at by an AI heli then head for the nearest cover and bail as the AI wont shoot the vehicle if you are not in it.

Dies on that encounter, made it back and got my stuff then got shot as I was loading up the gear. Trying to shoot someone 4mtrs away with an M40A3 is tricky and didn't have a medium range gun and died changing to pistol.

Will have to reboot the server soon so can sort out the ramdisk then. Weapons caches and downed helis are just getting crazy. Going up along the north edge of the NW airfield I found 3 down helis within sight of each other and a cache. Of course being the NE airfield there were also a fair amount of bandit AI and zombies.

Oh also had a downed heli appear 10mtrs away from where we are building our base which means zombies everywhere and it is proving to be very tricky placing a wire paremeter to keep them out.

May move back over to the Standalone sometime in the future but not too keen until they have private servers (i.e. self hosted rather than rented).

With the Combined Operations selling so cheap at the moemnt I am considering buying a couple more for headless clients.

Anyone else played with scripting / the ARMA II editor at all.

I am trying to get a bus to drive down the street and pick up a passenger.

I have managed to get the bus placed, a driver in the bus, the last waypoint ot sync with the person at the bus stop so they get on but cannot, for the life of me, get the bus to go down the road in any sane manner. It will go a little way and then take a 45deg turn in to the front garden of some house.

Placing the waypoints via the 3D or 2D editor seems to make no difference. It is just insane.

It must be possible as the bandit AI in DZAI seem to be able to patrol down roads quite well but I have no idea how and would rather not have to trawl through multiple files and lots of code to try and work it out. I have not looked at coding in scripts yet so doing that would most likely be a very long process.

Any ideas ?.

I stopped playing DayZ Standalone for a while cause it got boring and I didn't want to get burnt out on it before it is actually any good.

Having said that I do pop on from time to time to see what's new. Every time I do so though I always seem to get annoyed with something or other. I think that says a lot about DayZ.

Just the other day I logged in to a server. I was just outside Electro, and thirsty. So I decided to head to the water pump near the green house on "sniper hill". All of a sudden I hear shots. I go into ultimate paranoid mode, and start crawling through the shrubs in an attempt to simultaneously remain hidden and get the drop on the gunman. I hear more shots and cautiously zero in on the location. I get right behind where I believe the sniper to be and I wait to hear another shot just so I can be sure I am in the right place.

"No message received for 10 seconds..."

Soooo annoying. I got pumped for absolutely nothing.
I bought Day Z standalone sometime ago, didn't like it at all, so I just put it into my "for later" folder.

A mate suggested we try the Mod version and I gotta admit, I'm having a blast.

Was coming up to a town when I saw someone running around, so I got up on a hill, nice sniping spot under a tree and waited. Finally I had a good shot while he was at the window of a house. Took it and got a headshot, then as a bonus 2 other people suddenly turned up and just stood there looking at the corpse! :D
Said a silent prey to whatever deity had decided to reward me and took aim again, then I heard the zombies running towards me. I panicked, fired a few shots, then got up and ran as the 2 guys in the house started shooting in my direction.
Ended up as a full Benny Hill scene, with me getting chased over the hills by 5+ zombies while being shot at. :o

Got tons of questions though.

Me and my mate are playing on a random Epoch Panthera server and was wondering if there are any guides out there, we want to setup some sort of base, somewhere, where we can store our gear safely if we live long enough.

Also if anyone can recommend a server, I'm liking Epoch at the moment, AI bandits, missions and traders.
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