New samsung gear VR

I have just ordered one. Only discovered it yesterday when i came past one whilst searching for a duffel bag.

Hope its good.
The Samsung VR arrived tuesday but i have only just tried them out.

Cant say im amazed. I can see the pixels on the screen (s6), 3D films just dont work right at all, Netflix looks horrendous and you constantly have to mess about with the focus to be able to even see anything.

Can appreiciate it is just the start of things though! Cant wait to be able to play something like COD on one of these when they have sussed it properly.
I don't really do a lot with mine anymore, but I always use it to watch films. It's nice to lie in bed and be able to watch a film at the cinema. :D

It is horrendous for watching films for any extended period of time, so God knows how bad your normal TV is (if you have one?) :eek:
I agree with Richdog. It's a great experience for short periods of time, but too uncomfortable if you're wearing glasses (I do) for long periods, plus I'd rather watch full length movies in HD. However, it's great fun for viewing 3D images, streetview, short animated movies like 'Invasion!' and the Bill Clinton one, and games, but again, for short periods. The phone always needs to cool down anyway after a few minutes.
^ I found wearing my prescription swimming goggles helped on the fitting around vision aids, they are about £30 at my opticians probably less on line.
It is horrendous for watching films for any extended period of time, so God knows how bad your normal TV is (if you have one?) :eek:

I have a Samsung UHD TV, but I guess I just enjoy the whole cinema experience a lot. The films don't look bad or anything as long as they're 1080p. Only issue I have is that it leaves very big marks on my face after a few hours. :p
Morning All

Quick question regarding to Gear VR. Can you use 3rd party apps with the headset. I downloaded a few from PlayStore but the screen just goes blank when I try and run. Are you tied to the Oculus eco system ?

Morning All

Quick question regarding to Gear VR. Can you use 3rd party apps with the headset. I downloaded a few from PlayStore but the screen just goes blank when I try and run. Are you tied to the Oculus eco system ?


I don't think you can use 3rd party apps, my dads S7 opens the Oculus app as soon as you plug the phone into the GearVR - however, I downloaded the Package Disabler for GearVR app yesterday from the Play Store which apparently lets you use third party apps, but I've not yet had a chance to try it. I'll give it a go tonight and report back.
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