New Star Trek series - 2017

I enjoyed it.

Its very much going to be a rehash of Andromeda though.

She will mooch around for a few episodes putting together the space magnificent 7 who are just about to start turning things around, rebuilding that station when some big bad turns up and kicks there ass only for her old crew turn up and save the day.
I've always been curious to see what the far future would look like in the Star Trek universe. I always imagined the Federation becoming old, bureaucratic, and corrupt, completely divorced from the ideals that founded it. Slowly decaying from within as younger civilisations assert themselves on the galactic stage.

What we got in this episode wasn't that. And I'm not sure I like it. It seems like the Federation pretty much stayed the same right up until the cataclysm, operating under more-or-less the same ideals and cultural values for hundreds of years, which I just struggle to suspend my disbelief for. And Burnham being so shocked and appalled that the Federation had fallen. She knows it's been over 900 years. It really shouldn't be that surprising. Cataclysm or not, nations and empires rise and fall, none last forever.
I've always been curious to see what the far future would look like in the Star Trek universe. I always imagined the Federation becoming old, bureaucratic, and corrupt, completely divorced from the ideals that founded it. Slowly decaying from within as younger civilisations assert themselves on the galactic stage.

What we got in this episode wasn't that. And I'm not sure I like it. It seems like the Federation pretty much stayed the same right up until the cataclysm, operating under more-or-less the same ideals and cultural values for hundreds of years, which I just struggle to suspend my disbelief for. And Burnham being so shocked and appalled that the Federation had fallen. She knows it's been over 900 years. It really shouldn't be that surprising. Cataclysm or not, nations and empires rise and fall, none last forever.

The thing is that we already know about the 28th-31st century temporal silliness, which was I believe mentioned... I don't think we ever got any idea how the federation was like then.

Star Trek has always had this issue with the vision it's meant to be and the reality we expect, no matter what you do you're going to annoy someone. Though it's only the first episode, so maybe there's more to it?
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This episode felt even more like "Generic sci fi in a Star Trek setting". It's enjoyable to watch but it doesn't feel very Star Trek.
This episode felt even more like "Generic sci fi in a Star Trek setting". It's enjoyable to watch but it doesn't feel very Star Trek.

That's what happens when you take the creative decision to look at the MCU, the Star Wars films and every generi-dark science fiction TV series for the last ten years...and then copy-paste the bits you like, linked with the occasional word that sounds Star Trek-y.
So the Federation collapsed because dilithium randomly decided to explode....wut?

I wouldn't try and fathom that one out yet. Not until the story has attempted/not bothered to attempt to explain further.

That way lies madness.
So the Federation collapsed because dilithium randomly decided to explode....wut?

Well I’m sure there’ll be an explanation and probably related to them time travelling or control. While this aspect is a bit random, you can understand empires collapsing with limited warp capabilities. It doesn’t sound like the federation is gone anyway, there were still ships in that sector and they couldn’t scan far away.
The odd thing is, they already mentioned a few other methods of ftl travel that exists. So surely the federation/starfleet would adapt to those if they are using different sources of fuel.
So the Federation collapsed because dilithium randomly decided to explode....wut?
I'm betting that Mary Sue caused the galaxy wide dilithium explosion when she sent her suit back through the wormhole and set it to detonate.
Well that was much better than I expected.

Although admittedly my exceptions were absolute rock bottom.

This episode was a bit more realistic as I actually know someone who could quite happily work for 40 years sitting behind a desk doing sod all.
Noticed one of Mourns race there as well, bald as well though in ds9 that was meant to be due to the latium he had in one of his stomachs.

Looks like "Michael" will be there a few years storyline wise til Discovery makes an appearance, going by her hair in this episode vs the trailer where its in dreadlocks.
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