New Star Trek series - 2017

*deep breath*

3x02 - "Far From Home"
1) What happened to part 2 of the first episode? "That Hope Is You, Part 1" rather implies the existence of a "That Hope Is You, Part 2" no?
2) Recap :mad: The notEnterprise :mad::mad:
3) Are they all dead? Jolly good.
4) Bugger, no such luck.
5) Spat out of the wormhole right at a planet. Is this the day that Detmer (the helm officer with the head augmentation) graduates from the Deanna Troi School Of Crashing Starships? All signs point to "certainly", given that they already spoiled this in trailers and the season preview last time out...
6) Lots of panic.
7) Again with the magic 'rerouting' in this series. Rerouting what to gain control exactly Detmer? Power? Control relays? WHAT ARE YOU REROUTING DETMER?!?!
8) I love how Starfleet officers are always able to calculate to the second how long the ship has before it disintegrates :p Especially when it's not actually an engineer saying it!
9) Wastes time explaining her plan rather than just doing it. I mean, what's he gonna do? Throw her in the brig?
10) Oh, now we get the Treknobabble back.
11) I always wanted to see that ship crash. Now that it's happened...meh. Sort-of loses impact when you know that the thing will be right as rain in fairly short order. Even though the forces involved there, plus the damage from the fight against the Control fleet last season, ought to have reduced it to scrap. Must be made out of the same stuff as Starbug ;)
12) Yes, they've all been thrown around a bit. Newsflash, whoever wrote this - I don't care about these people. You've given me no reason in two seasons, one episode and five minutes of Crashy Smashy Time™ to care about these people.
13) Clapping Detmer for crashing the ship seems a bit...unnecessary. But, any (crash) landing you can walk away from...
14) Attempting to inject a bit more drama by having Detmer hurt/otherwise impacted. They're assuming that there's still a sickbay to go to after that crash.
15) Might have been better to channel Gene Kranz there Saru. "What've we got on the spacecraft that's good?"
16) Reno with the salient point that they're clearly not where they were expecting to be, because the view outside the window tells them that.
17) Treknobabble that boils down to 'we need to get the power back on'.
18) Oh God, a rousing speech from Saru. Just what I always wanted :rolleyes:
19) Though to be fair, nicely delivered by Doug Jones.
20) Tilly explaining the planetary weirdness.
21) Got to show how bloodthirsty mirror Georgiou is by showing Leland's brains on her boots :rolleyes: Subtlety, thy name is not Discovery.
22) Neat touch, TOS sickbay pulse monitor sound.
23) Also pretty cool, bringing the rest of the sounds and action back as Culber brings Stamets out of unconsciousness. Credit where it's due, a neat directorial choice.
24) Still the most believable and well acted relationship in this whole series.
25) I'm glad they brought Wilson Cruz's Culber back. It was a cheap move killing him in the first place that barely made a lick of sense, he's a very fine actor and he doesn't murder the material when it's actually good, like here.
26) Detmer still wandering around confused.
27) Welp, they showed Stamets and Culber kissing so we're going to have "GAY AGENDA!!!! IT'S A GAY AGENDA!!!!" posts on some of the Trek forums again. 'Woo'.
28) "You're good to go." She really isn't, doc. She's either wigging out due to the implant in her brain not liking the jump forward in time, or she's got survivor's guilt to spare. And if you were a halfway competent doctor you'd have realised that. But then, we learned last season that you don't know anything about the biology of the God damned first officer so I shouldn't really be surprised.
29) I'll be mightily glad if this scene ends with Tilly stabbing mirror Georgiou in the boobs.
30) God, it's doing that thing where the story walks into itself with an audible *clang*.
31) Wonder if this set began life as the Ent-D's observation lounge? Shape looks close.
32) Tilly's spotted the lack of dilithium, so at least she's vaguely on the ball. Nhan?
33) "They have 930 years on us, why hide from them?" Well, gee, let me think about that one Nhan...besides, I don't believe you know yet exactly how many years have passed.
34) Bored.
35) They showed what was left of Leland after !Georgiou's boots then. Because of the aforementioned lack of subtlety. Just ridiculous.
36) Stamets up and about. Reno doing her level best to annoy him.
37) Suit-up scene to fill a few seconds of airtime.
38) Trailer moment.
39) Remember where you parked guys.
40) "No-one's ever been here before." What, Iceland? Because it sure looks like Iceland.
41) I guess that'd be quite a sweet moment between Saru and Tilly if I gave a damn.
42) "First contact." DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.
43) Witless conversation between !Georgiou and Nhan.
44) Hello Linus :)
45) Back to Saru and Tilly we go. Hypocrisy of Saru of all people asking Tilly to bury her fear raises a brief smile.
46) They've made it to the pub. The day is saved.
47) Least subtle gun draw ever.
48) For once, a Starfleet officer being able to quote a regulation actually saves the day.
49) Exposition.
50) Quid pro quo then, dilithium for the materials to get the Discoball up and running.
51) Wonder how much spare dilithium the Discoball was carrying?
52) Meanwhile, Stamets and Reno still snarking.
53) This guy helping Tilly is way too friendly to be surviving this episode.
54) Future soldering!
55) Programmable matter. Like the pop-up furniture and control interfaces from the previous episode.
56) "Maybe I'm...Starfleet material." Yeah, this guy is getting a bolt of dramatic irony clean through him before the credits roll.
57) Bit more exposition.
58) And more.
59) Incoming!
60) Zareh then.
61) This is going to end all-too predictably.
62) Seems a bit like overkill, burning the guy to death. But, called it at 53) and 56). Buh-bye Kal, we hardly knew ye. Yet another character sacrificed to modern Trek's idea of 'drama'.
63) Bored with Zareh already. He's just not even slightly interesting.
64) Nice try Saru, but I don't think this guy finds Starfleet posturing all that impressive.
65) 88 crew, 72 of whom are actually up and about. That's down from over 200 in season 2 before they offloaded a bunch for the jump to the future, plus whoever died in the crash.
66) Stamets still fixing the main power grid. Reno reading the Jefferies Tube map for him.
67) Nhan is a wildly poor judge of character. So !Georgiou's gone off to the settlement then, in an entirely unforeseen and not at all blindingly obvious development.
68) Still bored of Zareh.
69) :)
70) Inject a bit more drama into proceedings by rattling the ship.
71) Oh good. !Georgiou did indeed leave the ship and was found by Zareh's people. An entirely unforeseen and not at all blindingly obvious development :rolleyes:
72) It's comforting to know in these uncertain times - pandemic, no-deal Brexit on the horizon, etc - that one thing remains the same...the STD writers can't do plot twists properly.
73) !Georgiou not got the sense the good Lord promised a turkey. But neither does Zareh, which is why he's going to hit her with that burning beam in short bursts rather than just killing her outright.
74) And in another entirely unforeseen and not at all blindingly obvious development, she starts a rumble. A development so entirely unforeseen and not all blindingly obvious that even Saru was ready for it.
75) Welp, there goes the daylight. So, what technical solution to the problem of the parasitic ice (parasitic, really? What was wrong with just ice? :rolleyes:) are the Discoball crew going to come up with to buy themselves the time to get the ship going and relaunched before it's crushed?
76) Culber's made it to engineering. Because Stamets needs someone besides Reno to give him encouragement.
77) He's...replacing a PATA cable. Look at it. That's a regular old parallel ATA ribbon cable :p
78) Lights on. She's hot.
79) Meanwhile in the pub, Saru and !Georgiou still having a witless argument about whether or not to kill Zareh.
80) Breaking speech from Zareh somewhat punctured by bar dude putting down his gun and Tilly of all people smashing a bottle over the back of Zareh's head. So if nothing else, at least she's earned a bit of respect from !Georgiou. Or at least briefly amused her.
81) Zareh getting sent away with tail between legs. Guessing that's not the last we'll see of him, which is unfortunate as he's a crappy antagonist.
82) Personal transporter.
83) Comms back up.
84) Ship still plenty hurt.
86) Saru and Tilly didn't have a chance to change into fresh uniforms yet.
87) Detmer still not right.
88) Vessel incoming, because what this scene needed was extra drama.
89) Tractor beam. They're being rescued. What do we think - Mary Sue Bonehead, Galactic Idiot™ here to save the day?
90) It's going to be Bonehead, isn't it?
91) God damnit :(
92) So, we all called it last week when we said that the Discoball would come through well after Bonehead.
93) Hang on, back to 75) a second. How quickly did they go from the scene at the pub where the Discoball was about to be crushed by the ice to the launch scene with the ship merely surrounded and trapped by the ice? Did the episode miss a step or did I? They had to have the time to get the dilithium to the settlement, and put the continuum transfunctioner (;)) that Kal rebuilt for them back in the slot.
94) "Next time..." Bonehead reunites with the crew, and gets glomped by Tilly. The Discoball heads for Earth. Some stuff happens.


That's really about all I can muster up. This one felt like a season 2 show, even with the future-future setting. Zareh is a deeply uninteresting bad guy, !Georgiou is still a waste of Michelle Yeoh's talent, we're back to 'death of nice guy to inject drama' with Kal getting burned, and the finishing touch on this turd - !Georgiou stomped Leland's corpse into organic mush, and they just had to show a guy cleaning it up. Why? What was the point of that, to show that !Georgiou isn't very nice? I believe we already figured that one out. No, it was yet another attempt at a shocking reveal from this series and all it did was add nastiness rather than drama.

Good points? It's prettily shot. Culber-Stamets is still a great pairing and Wilson Cruz is very good. Tig Notaro's Reno got in some of the episode's few truly amusing lines. Some neat directorial touches (that scene in sickbay when Culber first brings Stamets out of his coma for one).

Any slight optimism I had after last week is getting evaporated pretty fast. But, the next episode is a 'Two Takes' Frakes one so it stands a chance of being alright. Fingers crossed.
Again I thought it was a fairly decent episode. Tilly was great but I think I just really like redheads lol.

Of the many, many things I don't understand about what Trek fandom has morphed into, the hatred that Tilly attracts from certain quarters has to rank near the top.
Saw another comment on Jammer's Reviews that struck me as vaguely sensible.

Norvo on JR said:
Watching the episode I can only conclude this would have served so much better as the season opener than the actual first episode we got last week. The mystery of where Michael is was already solved for the viewers...

Indeed. Why didn't they do the first two episodes in the reverse order? Meaning that you have Bonehead's arrival on a ship to save the Discoball at the end of episode 1, leading into a flashback of how she got there for episode 2. It makes waaaaaaaaaaaay more sense structurally.

Norvo on JR said:
And speaking of Michael... Was it really necessary to have her be the one to rescue Discovery? We know she's supposed to be the one true hero of the show but Saru and the others deserved a win of their own. As it stands, all their valiant attempts to get themselves free are pointless because Michael would have showed up anyway. It's just bad storytelling.




91) God damnit :(
Was my reaction right away.

What a dull episode overall. Kal might as well have been given a red shirt the moment Tilly laid eyes on him. Zehan or whatever his name is was literally the dullest villain I’ve seen in ages - not at all interesting.

What the hell is going on with Detmer I think there’s more to her being just disoriented from slamming a ship into the ground...

Also the ending - fully expected to see these clowns all welling up in tears. Well she saves the day once again. Might as well have had just that section for this entire damn episode. At least Kal would be alive with his advanced Weller Soldering Iron.

Reno saying “I don’t know I’m on drugs” was probably the best moment of the episode. She is hilarious.
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Was my reaction right away.

Gotta hand it to you for sticking with one of my commentaries all the way to 91) :cool:

Unless you watched the episode, knew that I'd have been annoyed at that moment, and skimmed to the end of my commentary to find the bit where I snarked about it. In which case, gotta hand it to you for knowing me so well :cool:
I posted this the yesterday about 2 in - but it seems people are commenting here, so:

Episode 2 -

Can you all look in the background at around 21mins 10secs - is that hill walkers?!

Better in video not image as you can actually see them moving.

JRS said:
93) Hang on, back to 75) a second. How quickly did they go from the scene at the pub where the Discoball was about to be crushed by the ice to the launch scene with the ship merely surrounded and trapped by the ice? Did the episode miss a step or did I?

Personal transporter. They beamed back.

Oh, there's there's no That Hope Is You Part 2 at all listed on wiki. That's really special :confused:

30) 1 "That Hope Is You, Part 1" Olatunde Osunsanmi Michelle Paradise & Jenny Lumet & Alex Kurtzman October 15, 2020
31) 2 "Far from Home" Olatunde Osunsanmi Michelle Paradise & Jenny Lumet & Alex Kurtzman October 22, 2020
32) 3 "People of Earth" Jonathan Frakes[5] Bo Yeon Kim and Erika Lippoldt[6] October 29, 2020
33) 4 "Forget Me Not" TBA Alan McElroy & Chris Silvestri & Anthony Maranville November 5, 2020
34) 5 "Die Trying" TBA Teleplay by : Sean Cochran. Story by : James Duff & Sean Cochran November 12, 2020
35) 6 "Scavengers" TBA Anne Cofell Saunders November 19, 2020
36) 7 "Unification III" TBA Kirsten Beyer November 26, 2020
37) 8 "The Sanctuary" Jonathan Frakes[5] Kenneth Lin & Brandon A. Schultz December 3, 2020
38–39) 9–10 "Terra Firma" TBA Teleplay by : Alan McElroy. Story by : Bo Yeon Kim & Erika Lippoldt & Alan McElroy December 10, 2020. Teleplay by : Kalinda Vazquez. Story by : Bo Yeon Kim & Erika Lippoldt & Alan McElroy December 17, 2020
40) 11 "The Citadel" TBA Anne Cofell Saunders December 24, 2020
41) 12 "The Good of the People" Jonathan Frakes[5] Kenneth Lin December 31, 2020
42) 13 "Outside" Olatunde Osunsanmi[7] Michelle Paradise January 7, 2021
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Personal transporter. They beamed back.

Yeah, but they still had to beam back to the ship, get the dilithium that they promised for the settlement, beam back to the settlement with that, beam back to the ship again, fix it and try to launch. When the ice had already been making the ship creak and groan. So either the writers forgot to sanity-check their work again, or something ended up getting cut for time.

Oh, there's there's no That Hope Is You Part 2 at all listed on wiki. That's really special :confused:


It's an odd one. Presumably next season is going to open with part 2 :confused::rolleyes:
Few Frakes episodes in there, should give us something a bit better..

Only watched Episode 1 so far, was ok, less annoying than last season from what I can remember, still, its been a while and I have nothing else to do when I get back to the hotel so maybe that's already limiting my expectations...
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