New Star Trek series - 2017

Only watched the first episode and it was all so predictable... Back to terrible dialogue and zero chemistry between the crew.

Lulled into a false sense of security after SNW and Picard S3, but it was discovery by numbers.

I've come this far so will persevere, but once they ended up on the far future the show went really downhill for me.
i also liked the inclusion of an old Soong style android, with a very Data looking wig.

Glimpse of Picard and then an AS android - awesome member berries!

5) I see we're undoing part of the relentlessly consequence-free ending to S4, and breaking up Burnham and Book. I like how they were still rock-solid when Book betrayed the rebuilding Federation and took off with the 'villain' of the year in that season, and now not so much. Makes perfect Discovery sense.

Yes, thought that was a bit of a cop out, we should have had Rayner in his chair and the dialogue between each captain F2F as oppose to voice comms :(

First 2 episodes viewed - i really enjoyed them and they looked visually stunning.

Good bits, 1st episode, no whispering Burnham, bad bits, a little bit of whispering Burnham came back :(

We have the non-binary character back, but the character was allowed to be an asset and do their job as oppose to the writers using them as a vessel for their woke messages, so no issues there.

As i say, i thought this was a very decent start, i was only going to watch the 1st episode, but stuck the 2nd on immediately after - must be a sign i am enjoying it. New No1 should be an interesting addition!

I hope it keeps up this standard throughout.
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Burnham still switching from whispering mess to talkingsofastsoangrynobodyshouldcareabouttheirownopinionjustdowhatisay far too much, doesn't seem to be an in-between where every other respectable captain sits. Once again they've introduced another captain who is 10000x a better character after just a few minutes of screen time and the only realistic chance of saving this show from being a feely fest. A better start but once again it's another treasure hunt with maps and clues.

Glad we weren't doing a drinking game with how many times the enemy were named, they've introduced them more times at the start of the series than the rest of the bridge crew have had for 4 seasons.
Wow what a first episode. Very positive. Glad they are back to actual missions. Has Tilly put on the beef or what.
She has had a baby if I recall. What I did find funny was that it appeared as if the fabric star fleet use can’t keep some things that warm.

I have to say, personally, I was quite intrigued by the first couple of episodes. That said it was very obvious, to me anyway, that she was going to get rayner to be her number one. Honestly, a great choice, I have seen that actor in numerous shows and he has always done a great job with the character.

I am hopeful, however, we all know how that can go to trash in a few episodes.
5x03 - "Jinaal"

Memory Alpha said:
On Trill, Burnham, Booker, and Culber must pass a dangerous test to prove themselves worthy of the next clue. Adira reconnects with Gray, and Saru's first day as ambassador is complicated by his engagement to T'Rina.

Well, that mostly sucked. Weirdly-manufactured drama that never really stuck the landing, characters who up until now were vaguely sensible getting a firm hold of the Idiot Ball (Saru), and the dialogue remains very... Discovery, for better or worse. Mostly worse.
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Saw another thought on a review that had me sitting back mumbling "...yep" to myself:

Bernd @ EAS said:
So Jinaal set up all of this 800 years ago for the eventuality that his face is still in the database, that the symbiont is still alive, that the host and the government of Trill cooperate, that the predators on Trill are still in the quarry and currently in their breeding season, that the red herring is still visible, that the artifact is still retrievable and that someone comes along who would survive the encounter with the creatures because of the ability to connect with them telepathically. Seems like nothing could possibly go wrong ;)

Because what else is there to do about plot contrivances like that other than say "...yep"? The writers can't write, half the main cast can't act, the directors are a mixed bag of fairly incompetent and Frakes, but hey at least the 'hero' ship is the ugliest and least well thought-out in all of sci fi :rolleyes:
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Ep3 was pretty poor. Too much lecturing (the whole Tilly and new Commander guy thing was cringeworthy...) and plot contrivances all over the place...

They're basically taking the original TNG episode and dragging out to be a season.
This is way down on my list to watch.
Discovery got worse each season in my opinion.

I will watch this. But not for a while.

I'm re watching voyager which takes priority! :D

And SNW is orders of magnitude better.
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Ep3 was pretty poor. Too much lecturing (the whole Tilly and new Commander guy thing was cringeworthy...) and plot contrivances all over the place...

They're basically taking the original TNG episode and dragging out to be a season.

Cringeworthy? Yes. Pointless? no. We got to learn more about the rest of the bridge crew in that entire segment than we have learned over 4 seasons, just as it's all coming to an end.
Apart from another whisper lecture, this week was actually a good episode, especially for Discovery standards. Good use of characters and proper development.
5x04 - "Face the Strange"

Memory Alpha said:
On the way to the next clue, the USS Discovery is sabotaged by a mysterious weapon, leaving Captain Burnham, Rayner, and Stamets as the only crew members who can possibly save the ship in time.

You know what? If they'd made a similar story to this with a crew that I actually gave half a solitary **** about then maybe, just maybe, this one could have gotten close to working. Especially if they'd had Frakes direct it rather than Lee Rose.

As it is...plot contrivances remain abundant, we keep breaking off the action for discussions about feelings, and resorting to a bottle show just four episodes in smacks of a writers room that - again! For the fifth season running! - is writing this story by the seat of their pants and doesn't quite know where they're headed for yet.
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