New Star Wars Rey Skywalker movies

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I'm convinced KK has major dirt on half the higher ups in Disney, there's no way someone that incompetent would not only retrain her position for as long but still have the audacity to meddle after so many failures otherwise.
Playing devils advocate here, is she incompetent or has Star Wars not netted Disney many hundreds of millions(or billions)?

I hate what they’ve done as much as the next guy but the acquisition has probably made some serious $$$ in movies, merchandise and park sales.
Playing devils advocate here, is she incompetent or has Star Wars not netted Disney many hundreds of millions(or billions)?

I hate what they’ve done as much as the next guy but the acquisition has probably made some serious $$$ in movies, merchandise and park sales.

There's been a heavy decline in movie turnover since TFA:

I've also heard reports that their Star Wars theme park attractions haven't done so well, the Star Wars hotel was a bit of a disaster for them too. It's hard to say how much they've made from the TV shows and other media, but I suspect it's a lot less than they expected given the number of cancellations we've seen. That's not even going into projects that have seemingly went on permanent hiatus, or are in blatant production hell.

Merch they've probably made money on, but again there seems to be a general decline of interest since the Mando/baby Yoda boom.

I really don't think they're pulling in anywhere near as much as anyone thought that they might, Star Wars should have been a sure thing. It was a goldmine with tons of existing content they could have easily translated to the big screen etc, instead it's wallowed into little more than a shadow of its former self.
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There's been a heavy decline in movie turnover since TFA:

I've also heard reports that their Star Wars theme park attractions haven't done so well, the Star Wars hotel was a bit of a disaster for them too. It's hard to say how much they've made from the TV shows and other media, but I suspect it's a lot less than they expected given the number of cancellations we've seen. That's not even going into projects that have seemingly went on permanent hiatus, or are in blatant production hell.

Merch they've probably made money on, but again there seems to be a general decline of interest since the Mando/baby Yoda boom.

I really don't think they're pulling in anywhere near as much as anyone thought that they might, Star Wars should have been a sure thing. It was a goldmine with tons of existing content they could have easily translated to the big screen etc, instead it's wallowed into little more than a shadow of its former.

They thought it was just a licence to print money with minimal effort, they were wrong. Same with the MCU, and in fact the whole industry has suffered under this delusion for years, their films are now so bad they're destroying cinemas into the bargain.
Playing devils advocate here, is she incompetent or has Star Wars not netted Disney many hundreds of millions(or billions)?

I hate what they’ve done as much as the next guy but the acquisition has probably made some serious $$$ in movies, merchandise and park sales.

How much do you think they would have made from SW with competent leadership?

It's impossble not to make some money with SW, a dog could helm SW and make some big numbers, yet the fact remains that much of SW output has been dogwater from an artisitic standpoint, and has underperformed at the box office and with TV viewership, under KK. She has always clearly been more interested in promoting activism over creativity.

"The force is female" says it all, well under KK the force has also failed miserably. Nothing has been made more clear than they do not like or want the huge white male 40+ dad body demographic who made SW what it was, and want toi appeal to their chosen demographic instead, trouble is the demographic groups of people they do like don't actually care about SW.

It's a stupid as a farm machinery manufacturer saying "You know what? we don't really like farmers and their attitudes (and also they're not very social media savvy and instagrammable are they?) and so we're going to **** them off and try and sell our equipment to urban socially liberal millenials instead. We like them.

And all this madness took root when large companies of all descriptions decided to think short term, and needlessly bend the knee to SM pressure, and destroy their business in the process, all done from a position of cowardice, and some really really bad analysis of trends, and the absolute insanity of thinking that there was money in appealing to a miniscule % of the population none of whom had traditionally given you them money.

It's beyond satire.
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Nothing has been made more clear than they do not like or want the huge white male 40+ dad body demographic who made SW what it was, and want toi appeal to their chosen demographic instead, trouble is the demographic groups of people they do like don't actually care about SW.

To expand on that, there was an interview with Kennedy where she specifically covered this point but it was a while ago so I'll have to para-phrase (probably badly) but the basic point she made was "the older fan base are ageing out and they don't spend as much anymore because they have everything already, so we want to grab a new generation of 7-21 year olds so that we can milk them like George milked the last lot" - I know I've taken massive liberties with the wording but that was the gist of her interview and, financially, it made perfect sense apart from one huge glaring error I think - the kids who are 7-21 were mainly taken to the cinema by that old bunch she wanted to replace, so when they stopped taking the kids to see "new" SW it killed SW for a lot (but not all) of that new generation of fans that she so desperately wanted.

Back in the 80's as a kid I loved SW but the only way I knew anything about it was because my dad took me to the cinema to see it because he also loved it i.e. you have to make things for everyone, and not at the one subset of people who need someone else (an adult etc) to enable them to see it. So when LF broke that link, stopped the OG fans from taking their kids to see the new SW because "its not made for you" and then insulted those who complained, it did irreversible damage to the franchise for a whole host of people.

Once all this "modern audience" ideology dies out and people can holistically look back at the 2016-2026 decade of Cinema & TV with impartiality, I think the history books will not look kindly upon Kennedy's LF amongst other things. I could be wrong though, 20/20 hindsight etc.
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To expand on that, there was an interview with Kennedy where she specifically covered this point but it was a while ago so I'll have to para-phrase (probably badly) but the basic point she made was "the older fan base are ageing out and they don't spend as much anymore because they have everything already, so we want to grab a new generation of 7-21 year olds so that we can milk them like George milked the last lot" - I know I've taken massive liberties with the wording but that was the gist of her interview and, financially, it made perfect sense apart from one huge glaring error I think - the kids who are 7-21 were mainly taken to the cinema by that old bunch she wanted to replace, so when they stopped taking the kids to see "new" SW it killed SW for a lot (but not all) of that new generation of fans that she so desperately wanted.

Back in the 80's as a kid I loved SW but the only way I knew anything about it was because my dad took me to the cinema to see it because he also loved it i.e. you have to make things for everyone, and not at the one subset of people who need someone else (an adult etc) to enable them to see it. So when LF broke that link, stopped the OG fans from taking their kids to see the new SW because "its not made for you" and then insulted those who complained, it did irreversible damage to the franchise for a whole host of people.

Once all this "modern audience" ideology dies out and people can holistically look back at the 2016-2026 decade of Cinema & TV with impartiality, I think the history books will not look kindly upon Kennedy's LF amongst other things. I could be wrong though, 20/20 hindsight etc.
Don't spend much anymore? that's the age bracket that have large disposable income and just want cool stuff to throw it at hah
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To expand on that, there was an interview with Kennedy where she specifically covered this point but it was a while ago so I'll have to para-phrase (probably badly) but the basic point she made was "the older fan base are ageing out and they don't spend as much anymore because they have everything already, so we want to grab a new generation of 7-21 year olds so that we can milk them like George milked the last lot" - I know I've taken massive liberties with the wording but that was the gist of her interview and, financially, it made perfect sense apart from one huge glaring error I think - the kids who are 7-21 were mainly taken to the cinema by that old bunch she wanted to replace, so when they stopped taking the kids to see "new" SW it killed SW for a lot (but not all) of that new generation of fans that she so desperately wanted.

Back in the 80's as a kid I loved SW but the only way I knew anything about it was because my dad took me to the cinema to see it because he also loved it i.e. you have to make things for everyone, and not at the one subset of people who need someone else (an adult etc) to enable them to see it. So when LF broke that link, stopped the OG fans from taking their kids to see the new SW because "its not made for you" and then insulted those who complained, it did irreversible damage to the franchise for a whole host of people.

Once all this "modern audience" ideology dies out and people can holistically look back at the 2016-2026 decade of Cinema & TV with impartiality, I think the history books will not look kindly upon Kennedy's LF amongst other things. I could be wrong though, 20/20 hindsight etc.


And thew way to replace those that are ageing out, is with their offspring AND exactly the same kind of people (mostly men it has to be said) who made up the fanbase to begin with and who also have a wider interest in SCI-FI and SCI-FI adjacent hobbies. Those yong people are out there, but they will be lost to SW if things don't improve
Don't spend much anymore? that's the age bracket that have large disposable income and just want cool stuff to throw it at hah

I know :D

The idea she alluded to, but didn't directly mentioned so its my interpretation TBH, is that these folks have already bought all the cool stuff, so they've effectively already been milked and therefore "stopped" as a meaningful revenue stream, whereas "new" fans haven't bought anything yet, so thats a new revenue stream to tap into and, if this new group was as profitable as the old group, then Kennedy and LF would have been widely lauded as geniuses - well, until reality slapped her in the face and instead its now more likely she'll go down as an example of exactly what NOT to do if you want a successful company.

Sadly she won't be alone as quite a few other business leaders all made that same strange business decision all around the same 2016+ time frame, which to me makes it feel more like an external agent with enough power to influence all these business leaders together was responsible, rather than everyone just making the same decision all around the same time, but thats too much of a move onto weird CT territory for me :D
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Apparently Rey is going to appear in every new SW movies like Tony Stark did in the MCU movies. So if Rey flops it's going to take them all down. Sounds risky and they haven't learnt from past mistakes imo.
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What makes them think this would work? Would have thought with the performance of the last set of movies and anything related to Rey, they would think again and opt for a safer path They are determined to make Rey a success. I hope they do something right because the franchise can't take another Titanic ride like the last time.
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