I have to say I was rather shocked on how good torchlight is to be honest. Really glad I picked it up and for that price it is a steal.

I must say considering it is an encore I am surprised Crysis didn't reappear. Guess it didnt sell as much as I would have thought it would have done.
Such a shame they haven't reduced the Eidos pack further :p

Just gonna buy that and Torchlight methinks, that is of course when the checkout sorts itself out and actually lets me spend my money :)

To all those who don't have it you must buy Defence Grid, great game and well worth a couple of quid :)
Far Cry 2 for £10? Shall I grab that?

It's barely worth half that. I picked it up for about £6 just before Christmas and am having to force myself to play it so that it doesn't end up a total waste. Even though the game somewhat promotes a sandbox style approach to missions, which should make it fun and interesting, it's boring and frustrating. I can't go more than about 40 minutes without getting bored out of my mind. It's a shame such a pretty game is atrocious to play.
argh I keep looking at Fallout, its not bad but I prob will not play it for ages as I got other games I want to play first..... mm I think I might pass maybe it will go down in price again this year. So how much have people spent on these Steam deals ? :p
Well just spent another £35 on games can only say steam has made my year. It would be great to see some total sales volumes over the holiday period bet they were massive.

Now I've got loads to play through in the summer when the game drought comes.
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