Some of the mmo deals are amazing -

EQ2 including all the expansions so far - € 4.75. That's just silly :)

Vanguard for €2.50 is well worth a shot if you want to see how much it's improved since launch. Excellent open world game.

I'm even tempted by EQ1 with all 15(!) expansion packs for € 2.50, even though there's probably about 50GB to download in all :)
Tempted on grabbing Fallout 3 as it comes with all the DLC...

Might wait incase it becomes even cheaper after the timer :p

Wish they had Police Quest on Steam :(
I'm eying up the Eidos Collectors pack, £35.49 isn't "cheap" but it does come with Batman:AA which many people seem to rank as game of the year, I haven't played that yet. Bunch of mediocre titles as one would expect but Hitman: BM, Thief:DS and the two Tomb Raider games probably make it worth it.

Deus Ex is worth £35 on it's own of course, but I've already got that :)
Is Tales of Monkey Island worth it for 17.99? I'm tempted to get the complete Tales pack but I already have season one of Sam and Max on the xbox.
Beyond Good & Evil - £2.49

Everyone says this is an awesome game... I've never played it... What do you reckon? :p
I just got Defense Grid, Rome Total War, The Complete Shooter Pack (contains Alien Shooter, Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded, Alien Shooter Revisited and Zombie Shooter) and Zombie Shooter 2 all for the grand total of £7.46! The shooter games don't exactly sound original in their titling, but I've just a read a few postive things about them so thought why not. If they can each keep me entertained for 10 minutes, then I'm happy. :p

I've only looked through the less than £4 and less than £7 charts so far, but I'll have a better look later and see what else is worth buying. Keep posting recommendations people as there is a lot of stuff in there and I don't want to have to buy all of it! :o
Does anyone know if, should I buy a pack containing some games I already have, whether I'd then be allowed to gift the original, individual licences away?

I know this was the case with the Orange Box, which let me gift my original HL2 away, but not sure if this is standard or only on some packages.

Basically I'm half tempted by the Codemasters complete pack but already have a few of the games and it's only worth it if I can then gift the originals away.

borderlands dlc is on cheap too!
Yeah, actually slightly annoyed at that as it was only released a couple of weeks ago!
Does anyone know if, should I buy a pack containing some games I already have, whether I'd then be allowed to gift the original, individual licences away?

I know this was the case with the Orange Box, which let me gift my original HL2 away, but not sure if this is standard or only on some packages.

Basically I'm half tempted by the Codemasters complete pack but already have a few of the games and it's only worth it if I can then gift the originals away.

In a nutshell, no. Gifting in the way you described only works with a few Valve games.
In a nutshell, no. Gifting in the way you described only works with a few Valve games.

Doesn't really make sense from a sales perspective as many others will, like me, be put off buying the complete packs if they already own a few of the key titles. If they were allowed to gift their originals away they'd buy it.
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