Hehe already brought itAbe's Odyssey 1 + 2, ONE POUND NINETY NINE!
Need i say more?
Yeah, actually slightly annoyed at that as it was only released a couple of weeks ago!borderlands dlc is on cheap too!
Does anyone know if, should I buy a pack containing some games I already have, whether I'd then be allowed to gift the original, individual licences away?
I know this was the case with the Orange Box, which let me gift my original HL2 away, but not sure if this is standard or only on some packages.
Basically I'm half tempted by the Codemasters complete pack but already have a few of the games and it's only worth it if I can then gift the originals away.
In a nutshell, no. Gifting in the way you described only works with a few Valve games.
What's gun like?