Peggle Extreme is free
Just a heads up For anyone that doesn't have this game..
sweet thanks
Peggle Extreme is free
Just a heads up For anyone that doesn't have this game..
Dead Space needs all the sales it can get as it only sold 36K copies @ retail in the USwhich means no Dante's Inferno for PC in 2010 as the same devs decided against it because of very low Dead Space sales on PC (PC was the lead platform as well).
Zombie Driver is oddly good fun for quick 5-10 minute blasts.
Definitely tell it's an 'indy' game, but it's no bad thing. For the sake of a couple of quid, who cares anyway!
Dead Space needs all the sales it can get as it only sold 36K copies @ retail in the USwhich means no Dante's Inferno for PC in 2010 as the same devs decided against it because of very low Dead Space sales on PC (PC was the lead platform as well).
There are many other shooters which are simply better or better value. These types of shooters usually appeal more to casual console gamers.
Dead Space needs all the sales it can get as it only sold 36K copies @ retail in the USwhich means no Dante's Inferno for PC in 2010 as the same devs decided against it because of very low Dead Space sales on PC (PC was the lead platform as well).
It's not a bad game I quite liked the first level, and there was nothing particularly wrong with it either, but, it wasn't anything that good that it kept you playing either... There are many other shooters which are simply better or better value. These types of shooters usually appeal more to casual console gamers.
5 quid for a game that uses atmosphere and tension (along with some rather nice visuals) rather than simply just throwing waves and waves of enemies at you all the time with no real thought? Give me more casual console games then please.
The low sales were for the PC version....They sold 1.4 million copys of dead space worldwide including the Console sales..Was it really the lead platform? It was released first on the 360 and PS3, then the PC around 1-2 weeks later.
As for the low sales garbage, would they have even bothered with a Dead Space 2 if the first really sold that badly? Would they have bothered with extending the franchise via a Wii game and animated film? It all seems a bit much for such a small fanbase..
did dead space not have issues with mouse control ?