Indy's worth it. One of those ones I never finished but always meant to. Damn you I hadn't thought about buying it until you said that.
Went a bit nuts and brought loads of games i'd been meaning to play but never got round to.

Chronicles of Riddick: Assult on Dark Athena - 5.09
Ghostbuster - 5.09
Mirror's Edge - 3.24
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky - 3.99
Rome: Total War Gold - 1.24
Medieval II: Total War - 2.49

Total £21.14

Crazyness I tell. :O
*Voice inside my head* "Stop it man, you can't afford this!"
Damn it! I've run out of HDD space - OCUK 1.5T should do the trick :D
I got GTA4 and Jedi Outcast 2.

How do you think my system will run GTA 4? Keeping in mind that I am still on XP Pro and my sig lies. I have a 260GTX. It was a typo.
Got Mirrors Edge purchased as I've always wanted to try that. Tempted by GTA4 but don't want the sluggish bloated game, better off with the 360 version and it's DLC. Awaiting further price reductions on Batman now.
20FPS if you keep the view distance and detail distance below 20%.

You really need a quad-core to get the most out of the game.

That doesn't sound very much like fun then :( Think I'll give this a miss until I have a quad.

Anyone have any recommendations for a quad to replace an E6320 without having to change the motherboard? :D
Got Mirrors Edge purchased as I've always wanted to try that. Tempted by GTA4 but don't want the sluggish bloated game, better off with the 360 version and it's DLC. Awaiting further price reductions on Batman now.

As long as you have a decent PC gta will run well and they have added the achievements to gfwl so i think the dlc is coming to the pc.
My laptop has a 2.6ghz core 2 duo processor and 8800m GTX graphics card (512mb Vram) with 4 gig RAM.

I can run GTA4 1900x1220 resolution, everything on medium (except water on low) draw distance & view distance on 40, cars 22, shadows 1 and I'll average 30 fps in the demo.

In game, it seems to be higher, because when flying round in cars there is almost no noticeable framerate skipping at all. I can't see how people with a faster processor and better graphics cards can fail to get lower scores on this game than my laptop :confused:

There are also custom configs available which help increase the performance without sacrificing noticeable graphics quality.
Should I get the Eidos pack? Never played Deus Ex or well any of the games on that list. But they've all been highly rated.
^in my experience the benchmark score is in no way indicative of the minimum framerate you get during actual game play. I'd say you should halve it as a rule of thumb. I clocked around 45(?)fps in the benchmark but the actual game would drop to mid20s in the more demanding places.
^in my experience the benchmark score is in no way indicative of the minimum framerate you get during actual game play. I'd say you should halve it as a rule of thumb. I clocked around 45(?)fps in the benchmark but the actual game would drop to mid20s in the more demanding places.

What are you using to measure framerate in game?
What are you using to measure framerate in game?

Fraps possibly? Even without measuring it and just by looking, you can tell that the framerate drops well below the benchmark smoothness, during the actual gameplay, a lot of the time.

For anyone who doesn't have GTA 4 though, you should buy it for this price because it will probably never be cheaper. Future computers will run it better obviously.
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