Also contemplating the Novalogic complete pack @ £24.99, thing is a lot of the games are ~10 years old though. To be fair if it didn't include Tachyon I probably wouldn't have been interested, might just buy that seperately.

A lucky escape there I think, never played any of the Delta Force games so if they are not to my tastes it would have been a big risk.

As for GTA4, I'd say buy it even if you only have a C2D paired with a last-gen card type setup. It's a good game and is unlikely to get cheaper in the forseeable future, so you could always save it until you get a quad. Plus if you set both draw distance settings to 1, performance is just about acceptable in most places.
They don't have a steam account and im unsure what their current email is (its a short notice Christmas gift), also i wasn't sure if you could do it all in one go as well?
Batman AA is probably game of the year for me. Cracking game and completley unexpected on how good it was.

Beyond Good and Evil. Worth it by far. Perhaps the most underated game I've seen in a good while - it takes a little work to get it running nicely (google is your friend) and once it is it's superb. It's sort of a LBA 2 type game but better. Lots of arcadey combat. I'd guess it's what most resembles a true console game but it's on the PC and is great.

Batman AA is probably game of the year for me. Cracking game and completley unexpected on how good it was.

Beyond Good and Evil. Worth it by far. Perhaps the most underated game I've seen in a good while - it takes a little work to get it running nicely (google is your friend) and once it is it's superb. It's sort of a LBA 2 type game but better. Lots of arcadey combat. I'd guess it's what most resembles a true console game but it's on the PC and is great.


If nothing else, buy it for the fact that the developers had the courage to have a female lead without huge knockers :cool:
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this is why i love pc gaming :) you get mega good deals on good games :D i just bought stalker. I have all the rest :(
So many good deals! So hard to resist, glad I had a few jobs in the last few days to get some cash or I'd be having to pay with chocolate money and pot noodles for these games.

Beyond Good and Evil
Time Gentlemen, Please! + Ben There, Dan That

Eyeing up all those at the moment. Actually already bought TGP and Ben There, Dan That is actually a free game but I don't mind giving them another £1.50 for support for a great point-and-click adventure game. Beyond Good and Evil is just downright amazing, easily worth £2.50. Never played Braid but for £1.75 I doubt I'll say no. Also trying extremely hard to resist the Eidos pack.

No deals on MW2 though :(

20FPS if you keep the view distance and detail distance below 20%.

You really need a quad-core to get the most out of the game.

Seriously? That's crazy, was going to buy it until I read that.
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