New Top Gear (2011) BBC 2 8PM!

I agree with Khaaaaaaaaaaan!

I can only assume that the people saying 'you must be single' are probably single themselves, otherwise they would know that having a gf or wife does not automatically change your deep seated biological urge to procreate with anything that moves (or at least look at chicks).

Those with a wife that have stopped looking at chicks are pussy-whipped, not over-sexed.
Women are worse than men for window shopping in my experience, they're just not always so crude about it.

When you feel the need to complain about people letching over another persons fine beauty, you've clearly spent too much time telling your partner you only have eyes for them.
Women are worse than men for window shopping in my experience, they're just not always so crude about it.

When you feel the need to complain about people letching over another persons fine beauty, you've clearly spent too much time telling your partner you only have eyes for them.

I always find it funny watching other men perv at women, although it does make me worry about just how blatant I am about it!
You are totally missing the whole point.

Anytime a caravan is on TopGear, its ALWAYS destroyed with fire!!!!

It's pretty obvious really, even though some people still dont get it and say "OMGZZZZ STAGED FIRE AGAIN, OH NOES, I MUST RUSH TO THE INTERNETZ TO COMPLAINZZ!!"

You are hilarious. Firstly, caravans aren't always destroyed with fire on top gear. I can think plenty that were not.

Secondly, i wasn't rushing to the internet to complain about that, i came to give my opinion on the episode just like everyone else in this thread. Just because im not jumping with joy about every second of the programme doesn't mean i souldn't be posting here. You're the one calling everyone else sad or single or whatever, i think you are just trying to cover up your own terrible life.
I always find it funny watching other men perv at women, although it does make me worry about just how blatant I am about it!

The comments don't bother me either.

Surely we all noticed the hot ones in the background ? the only issue is that some of us choose to share it on here :D
Surely we all noticed the hot ones in the background ? the only issue is that some of us choose to share it on here :D

This is true, there was a particularly cute blonde this week. I think the issue is the comments make some people appear to watch TG for the sole reason of letching over the girls, and nothing else ;)
Do people expect anything less from Clarkson though? I like the bloke, but he is renowned for spouting opinion as fact and surely people don't actually take what he says as gospel? Besides, TG 'reviews' should never be taken seriously, I just think of them as an excuse to see cars I'll never own being driven to within an inch of their lives :)

As for Sunday's show, I thought it was *ok*, if a little dissapointing after the previous two episodes.
Well I remember someone called Henry Catchpole with big ears in my class, can't be too common a name. It'd be Aldro School from the ages of 8-13, can't find anything to definitely tie them up.
ive just posted a view of him up. that him ?

It's not loading yet, I've seen his photos though my memory of that time is too hazy to be sure.

Edit: the video is ringing bells, he might have actually been in the year below me.

I found a school newsletter referencing his name online:


If he was head of house in his leaving year of 1995, he would have been 12 or 13; that would make him 28 / 29 now, so it ties up.
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Do people expect anything less from Clarkson though? I like the bloke, but he is renowned for spouting opinion as fact and surely people don't actually take what he says as gospel? Besides, TG 'reviews' should never be taken seriously, I just think of them as an excuse to see cars I'll never own being driven to within an inch of their lives :)

As for Sunday's show, I thought it was *ok*, if a little dissapointing after the previous two episodes.

From what I know of Clarkson's work, his reviews on Top Gear are a world away from his "proper" car reviews in magazines and newspapers.
Wow, I never thought people would take an ENTERTAINMENT program so seriously.

Jeeus wept. Why cant people just sit down, tune in, and CHILL out.

Its meant to be a family program, something for kids to watch, something for dad to watch, and the wife too.

If serious car geeks get the hump, DONT FRIGGING WATCH IT!!!!!!!!

Jees, I still watch 5th gear cos its something car related, its not brilliant, but it does the trick as something to watch, but I dont bitch and moan about every little bit of it I didnt like.

TG is almost just a mess-around. A bunch of guys arsing about, and coming across as having a middle aged crisis.

If the format is so woefully bad etc etc, then explain how its one of the most popular programs in the world, going out to hundreds of countries?

No doubt the moaners will moan at me, for moaning about the moaners moaning in the first place about something they shouldnt even be moaning about!
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