New top gear lineup..

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I wasn't bothered by Chris Evans - thought he was ideal to be honest - and was intrigued by Matt Le Blanc, but Eddie Jordan? Really? I didn't mind him too much on the F1 programme, as he was willing to throw a spanner in the works in a way most in F1 don't, which was enough to make me tolerate him, but he's not a presenter in any conceivable way and he'll just be plain embarrassing if he has a major role on this. Apart from him I don't mind at all and I'll wait and see what the series turns out like.

It's good that someone stood out in the public auditions enough to warrant a place on the team, so time will tell, and I'm chuffed Sabine's in as the inevitable woman as I couldn't think of anyone better suited to the role, and I really enjoyed her previous three appearances. :)

I can imagine there will only be three main presenters (Evans, Le Blanc and perhaps Schmitz?) so it will be interesting to see how the others fit in. I can't imagine Eddie Jordan wanting to be a part of it for entire series, which would be a mercy, and perhaps Harris will only do specific car reviews?
Not a fan of Jordan particularly but, used correctly, he could be good on the show.

I'm imagining it will be anchored by Evans/ Leblanc, with the others stepping in and out. I'm hopeful it will be good - would like to have this AND Amazon's new-TG program to watch.
I'm open minded. Not sure why people seemingly want it to fail or are passing judgement now. If it's rubbish after a few eps fair enough but I'm willing to give it a chance.
Dunno if You read this forum Chris Harris but its "Guffage" From 66 Hurst Street!
Made me laugh when i saw your face on the line up ! Good luck working on the show you have done well for yourself.

I still know nothing about cars but i appreciated you scaring the **** out of me in your car back at uni !
This is looking more and more like an "old Top Gear" car show rather than the "entertainment show which happens to have cars in it" format that made Top Gear so popular over the last decade.

I can't see it working out and I certainly don't think that it'll be making the BBC the sort of money that JC & Co did - especially now they're paying twice the wage and trying to compete with an insanely high budget Amazon show. I give it a season before it's axed.
There seems to be a lot of folk who want this to fail. Sad really.

Seeing changes and decisions being made, and disliking the premise does not equate to wanting TG to fail.

I'd love for it to come back, re-vamped and revitalised, however with the choices being made, I don't envisage the desired outcome.

I'll still give it a chance when it airs, but I'm not holding my breath.
Yet want to keep the Stig. Clearly they don't want to be "too" different.

Ha they won't be letting go of that cash cow, Stig even appears in that rubbish car getaway thing on Saturdays now.

Not sure on the line up, Eddie and Matt being the most controversial but will give it a chance.

To be fair the Clarkson trio will keep on doing things the old Top Gear way so they have to do something different in this new format.
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