New Warcraft Guild for OcUK

Thing is everyone has a preferable server and even myself have a love for argent dawn. no matter what we roll on you will always get issues. If we can get a majority vote on some servers.. maybe a mod can add a poll to this thread ...

Give me your suggestions..


Argent Dawn RP
Chamber of Aspects Normal
Stormscale PVP

I cant help but notice that Darksorrow isn't on your list ;) hehe I jest!

Yeah its always hard, its best for the GM to just decide and have done with it if I'm honest. Otherwise you just get the tug of war between different servers.

I was GM of an OcUK guild back in Cata (Bans Hammer) - and it was a bit of a nightmare organising to begin with! Thankfully I had good support from other folks :)
I have no preference on realm (I've played on more than I could name). I tend to avoid PVP realms though, purely because it can make levelling a pain. As has been said, just about every realm has it's share of drama, but it's easy enough to avoid (especially as we're coming from our own community).
Just so long as it's well populated and has a decent faction split, I'm sure we can make the guild a success. It would be great to establish a go-to WoW guild for OCUKers for WoD and beyond.
Thanks, sent you message :)

Sorry was having trouble getting you a scroll, managed to lock myself out of my account from work.

I am on Chamber of Aspects and have not seen anyone in first post yet are people on it?

Do /who OCUK and it will say if anyone in the guild is on.

Currently at work and won't be back till early evening so can't help
Having not read the thread and not being bothered too (lazy I know) I might re-roll for WoD.

Are you playing ally though? Sick of horde so if its Ally I'll join up if not I'll pass.
Wait your changing server now? I thought Chamber of Aspects was decided? I have 0 characters there or been on the server in my life, but thats the whole point of re rolling on a new server.
ow sorry about that guys.

Just first time playing with real people on a game and im acting like a child on his first birthday.

It's awesome fun! Having a good core group of people in WoW is better then any content/expansion can provide.

Until everyone is setup on the server later if you need any help feel free to ask here and we can help you out till we are in game.
I'm game for this. Not quite sure what I will play yet, Something Tanky more than likely so Troll Drood or Tauren Loladin/Warrior :)

May get on the server tonight and see if the name I want is available as there are too many bloody Woogie's now :(
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