Newbie Vikki's AMD Phenom II x4 computer/DAW?/build thread...

o.k. so far so good, standoffs are in, funny how the bottom right hand hole doesn't have a screw hole under it so is hanging a wee bit?......I have 4 memory slots (2 memory sticks) on the mobo, 2 white and 2 blue, is there any 2 slots i have to use, one in white and one in blue but inside/outer or both inner?:)
As has been mentioned it's easier to fit parts to the mobo out of the case. You have already noticed the flex in the board and pushing in components can cause heart stopping moments

Stick one stick of RAM in the slot closest to the CPU then the other right next to it (same colour slot). Assuming the cpu is mounted and heatsink is secure its time to lower it onto the brass standoffs and screw it down
So far so good - cpu in, memory in.

Just making certain little arrow on cpu lines up with little arrow on mobo no force was required CPU just dropped into place?

The cpu will only fit one way. The user guide should show you what's what. The arrows marry up in the corner and it will just fall into place. Now you need the heatsink mounted.

It's far easier to put literally a "rice grain" of thermal paste on the cpu then mount the heatsink. Unless the heatsink has it applied already, pretty easy to tell if you look underneath it
lol does look scary doesnt it. If you've gone the AMD route it's not as bad as it looks. The metal bar needs attaching then hooked over the clips on the mobo and the lever locked down.

Youtube is your friend. Search for your cooler and your bound to find a step by step guide to follow....just don't forget the thermal paste!!!
I pasted...I pasted...long live thermal paste!!! do you actually wire it up and test outside the case?
OK - couple of questions

1. I have a case fan in the back of the case that comes with the case that has a 3 pin connector should this go to the system fan on the mobo as that is a 4 pin plug?

2. On the motherboard there is only one ide socket connector and one floppy disk drive connector. I have two ide drives connected together with a cable that should go to the ide socket where does the dvd drive cable plug into?

OK - couple of questions

1. I have a case fan in the back of the case that comes with the case that has a 3 pin connector should this go to the system fan on the mobo as that is a 4 pin plug?

There should be a bar that sticks out of the 4 pin connector that will slide into 2 notches made on the 3 pin fan power connector so you can't get teh connection wrong. But yes, it's how I have my fans wired up. They've not failed yet...

2. On the motherboard there is only one ide socket connector and one floppy disk drive connector. I have two ide drives connected together with a cable that should go to the ide socket where does the dvd drive cable plug into?


So you have your IDE hard drive and IDE dvd rom drive connected together by the same ribbon cable?

The ribbon cable you've used has 3 connectors on it? - one at the end, one slightly further down and one at the very end?

The one at the end and a bit further down is connected to the hard drive and dvd rom drive?

If so, the last remaining connector plugs into the IDE connector on the motherboard. In effect you have daisy chained the 2 drives together.

Just make sure that one of the drives is set to 'Master' and the other set to 'Slave' ( possibly set by a jumper on the back of each drive )

And I thought we'd exhausted all comments about bondage in the anti static picture :D
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