*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

Aussie Football team logo, took to text out for size, wasn't sure if the stars and striped on the ball are meant to be white or clear, so left them white with transparent background :)



Edit: Large with Clear Sections added, use which you prefer :)

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Yep, thats what I mean, ie if you hover over :D you get "Big Grin"

Have force refreshed on the site and its not showing that, not sure if thats you asking what I mean or me needing to refresh again :D

Either way, looks great!

Edit: Firefox doesn't show them :D
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Ive noticed that the alternate text doesnt work in Firefox but does work in IE, so this might be your problem TimBrad?

nah thats my fault. I was using alt tag which FF uses properly i.e. as an alternate if the image doesnt load. IE just doesnt give a **** and will use it as a title aswell. added both so should be good to go in FF now.
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