*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*


happy birthday hilly!

Iam really struggling with Russia! They just dont suit my style of play at all. Should we finish this league by the end of next week? Ready for the next stage?
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I played 2 games last night and won both 2-0 but I can't remember who I played!!!!

edit Murney 2 - 0 plazm1ck

edit again, I think I played Twinblade, can you please confirm !
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Righty-ho. I am just waiting for a callback from Virgin about recent internet issues then I'll be on FIFA up to the 3pm, then Ill be back on after the Chelsea game for some more matches. Hopefully some A league people are about :)
I am so ****** off right now. My internet is up and down all the ****** time today. It seems that any net activity and within 2 minutes it goes dwn. So now I can't play FIFA (because it might d/c) and I can't watch the football either.

I hate Virgin, I hate Richard Branson the whole lot are a bunch of *****
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