*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

Dannyboy2304 1 - 2 H1lleh.

should have kept a clean sheet but I have no idea what my keeper did... proper howler.

Good game mate.

Didn't really enjoy that much, west ham are bunch of gutless tarts, couldnt tackle you yet you managed to just run next to me a take the ball.

Your goals were a prime example of that. Whoever was the defender on that corner just didnt even bother! Lol.

Not sure what happened with mine, your goalie was all over the shop.
Right I've checked the following:

League B
Murney 2 - Twinblade

Murney 2 - 0 plazm1ck

Come on children, I shouldn't have to check and you'll only be moaning when your stats dont look right on the table.
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