*** Nexus 5 THE Official Thread ***

I do, I use a Spigen oilephobic nano glass one, stupidly expensive but they are brilliant, best screen protector I've ever used.

Cheers - Used on on the iPhone and they are superb, just wanted user opinions on the N5

I paid 98p for two protectors from some jungle type site "TUFFskinz Premium Quality Screen Protector". Gone up now but still nice.

Will NEVER go back to a 'plastic' protector after using a glass one.
Just an insult to the craft of the phone to stick a cheap bit of plastic over it. Ever wondered why the phone makers don't supply them ? Get a case or insurance.

You don't walk around with a condom on :)
Just an insult to the craft of the phone to stick a cheap bit of plastic over it. Ever wondered why the phone makers don't supply them ? Get a case or insurance.

You don't walk around with a condom on :)

Speak for yourself!!! :D

But agree on the Plastic.

I dont use cases, but do want to protect the screen hence the glass protector Question
Wireless charging seems really cool.. I think I've screwed up my usb jack on my HTC One S from charging it and bending it. :\
Picking up 4G signal in birmingham now :)

Regarding cases, I have never bought a case for any other phone and have never damaged a phone by dropping it. I came close to dropping that dam slippy HTC one in the street a few times.

I watched a video where someone threw their nexus 5 about with a case on which got zero damage and one where it had no case and was basically mangled after one drop.

It scared me lol, I did buy a spigen ultra hybrid and it is a very good case but the phone just doesn't feel as awesome anymore and the feel of the phone is one of it's best assets.

Sometimes I use the case sometimes I don't.

OMG, I just realised my phone case was in my dream last night... It was like... Full of sand!
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