*** Nexus 5 THE Official Thread ***

So... my phone after a drunken night out...


must have been a good night! ;)
Ive got the urge to root my phone last phone i wanted to root was a htc legend and that was one of the hardest phones to root. Is the nexus 5 a lot easier? Also what custom rom would you recommend i always end up sitting at work on my break wanting to customise the layout of my phone. Ive been looking at cynamodgen (or how ever its spelt) and another one cant remember the name of the top of my head think it was something like oakp nightsie
Ive got the urge to root my phone last phone i wanted to root was a htc legend and that was one of the hardest phones to root. Is the nexus 5 a lot easier? Also what custom rom would you recommend i always end up sitting at work on my break wanting to customise the layout of my phone. Ive been looking at cynamodgen (or how ever its spelt) and another one cant remember the name of the top of my head think it was something like oakp nightsie

It's very easy, just download one of the Nexus 5 toolkits and you can do it in about 3 clicks, be warned though if you haven't unlocked the boot loader yet it will wipe the phone.
Replaced my screen at the weekend and it was pretty simple to do by following a Youtube video.

I paid £92 for a framed screen from Ebay.
using mine since dec, all going ok

had it rooted and never really needed any rooted apps so back to full stock now

using ultimate shield front and back protectors and also a diztronic matte black case

seems like a great combo
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